FUELL & Bizbike Join Forces for Benelux
2 minutes
Last week, FUELL announced its partnership with LEVA-EU Member Bizbike for promotion of FUELL’s Flluid e-bikes in the Benelux. FUELL is a player in urban macro-mobility (e-bikes & (e-) motorcycles), whilst Bizbike is a key player in the Belgian e-bike business.
By joining forces, the companies are able to optimize promotion, service, maintenance and logistics for customers in the Benelux. It also improves the offer of clean, reliable and efficient urban vehicles, especially for commuters.
FUELL’s expansion to the Benelux as well as to France and the Benelux is a result of their very successful crowdfunding campaign (more than € 1.5m). Also, in France they have been chosen by McDonald’s France as a top prize for their Monopoly game.
“At Bizbike, we recognize ourselves in the DNA and identity of FUELL. The compatibility of our 2 companies will create a lot of synergies and it is a great joy to support FUELL in their international expansion.” says Louis Vanhove, CEO and co-founder of Bizbike
With 50,000 e-bikes sold to-date under its different brands, Bizbike is a powerful ally in promoting the FUELL brand to a varied publice ranging from cycling enthusiasts to e-bikes newcomers.
“We are delighted to be able to partner with Bizbike to promote our brand to as many people as possible. Their expertise in the field of e-cycling is beyond doubt and we are honored to be able to develop our brand in the Benelux with this significant player“, says Stéphane Mac Millan, European Director of FUELL
Annick Roetynck
Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.
Campaign success
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