Fleet of electric cargo bikes in Cologne
< 1 minute read
Source: VSF – End of June, Donk-EE, with 50 vehicles the largest rental system for electric cargo bikes, was launched in Cologne (D). Registered users can easily book a bike by means of an app and pick them up from the railway station partners in the city. They cost 3.50 euros for the first and 2.50 euros for each additional hour. Up to 100 kilograms can be easily and easily transported from A to B with Donk-EE thanks to the supporting electric motor, thus facilitating the renouncement of the car in Cologne’s inner city.
A growing number of Cologne inhabitants choose more often for the bicycles. This appears from the results of “KVB-Rades”, the bike rental system of “Kölner Verkehrs-Betriebe” (KVB). In the 2 years since the start of the KVB system in May 2015, 1.2 million journeys were registered. Since March 2017 there are on average 3,000 to 3,700 rentals day. There are no marked seasonal fluctuations, whether it is sun, rain, heat or wind, the KVB wheels roll. For more information on Donk-EE visit the website: donk-ee.de
Annick Roetynck
Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.
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