
Fahrrad XXL Study on Electric Cycles 2020

1481 days ago

4 minutes

Summary of Fahrrad XXL Electric Cycle Study 2020 – Electric cycles are becoming increasingly popular as a means of transport or as leisure vehicle. To get a better understanding of the electric cycle development and its users, Fahrrad XXL has conducted a study. Below is a summary of 11 main findings relating to social-geographical characteristics of electric cycle users.

11 main findings of the Electric Cycle Study 2020 by Fahrrad XXL

1. Buyers of electric cycles are mostly male: 71.6% men versus 27.6% women.

2. Electric cycles are popular among all ages. Based on this study, the majority (almost 75%) of electric cycle buyers are to be found in the three following age groups:

  • 30-39 years – 25%
  • 50-59 years – 24.8%
  • 40-49 years – 23.5%

Nevertheless, 13.7 % of the participants were found in the group of 18-29 years and 0.4% in the group <18 years. The researchers conclude that electric cycles are also very interested for younger users and not only for older users.

Source: Fahrrad XLL

3. Electric cylces are especially popular with couples. The research found that a big majority (81.2%) of electric cycle buyers are in a registered partnership or married. Only 13% of the participants are single.

4. Electric cycles are found in a variety of residential areas based on the number of inhabitants:

  • Small villages (<5,000): 21.6%
  • City (between 5,001 and 20,000): 25.2%
  • City (between 20,001 and 100,000): 24.3%
  • City (between 100,001 and 1 million): 21.4%

5. Electric cycles and its users are found in multiple landscape types:

  • Hilly landscape: 53.4%.
  • Flat landscape: 29.4%
  • Mountainous landscape: 15.4%.

6. The popularity top 3 of electric cycles is:

  • Electric Mountain Bikes (MTB) are most popular: 43.7%.
  • Electric Trekking Cycles: 25.9%
  • Electric City and Urban Cyles: 13.6%

7. How long does it take consumers to complete a search for an electric cycle? 17.3% of the respondents finished their search within 1 month. In most cases (34.2%), the process of finding a suitable electric cycle took around 2 or 3 months. Some people took 4 or 5 months (19%) while 21.5% needed more than 6 months to complete their search.

8. There are several reasons why the participants decide or plan to buy an electric cycle. The top 3 reasons are listed below.

  • Less effort is needed in comparison with a conventional cycle: 66.3%
  • Riding an electric cycle is just fun: 59% (note that this especially relevant for E-MTB users)
  • Being able to make longer trips: 56.5%

9. What are the main characteristics of the electric cycles that convince people to buy one? Range, electric motor and weight appear to be more important than for example the brand of the electric cycle.

  • Battery size: 53.8%
  • Powerful electric motor: 42.8%
  • Well known battery of motor manufacturer: 32%.

10. There are also several barriers that people consider when planning to buy an electric cycle.

  • High purchase or maintenance costs
  • Potential risk of theft
  • Weight of an electric cycle

11. Do users of electric cycles also use conventional cycles? 44.9% of the participants mention that they use a conventional cycle in combination with an electric cycle. The researchers conclude that these users do not want to replace their conventional cycle. Around 19% of the participants state that they are not using conventional cycles anymore and they see the electric cycle as an replacement of the conventional one. A substantial group of electric cycle buyers (21.6%) has not used a conventional cycle before buying an electric one.

The original article is in German.

If you have any questions or feedback on the study, you can contact Fahrrad XXL at: studien@fahrrad-xxl.de.

Information about the study. This study was conducted through the Heilbron University of Applied sciences. Results of this study are gathered through an online survey that took place between 25 April 2020 and 7 May 2020. Based on a filtering question if the person already had an electric cycle or is planning to buy one, a dataset of 1,917 samples were retrieved and in total 1,374 (n) people participated. These people where contacted through internal and external channels.

Photo credits: Neomouv

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Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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