E-cargo bikes available to borrow for transporting bulky waste in Amsterdam
281 days ago
< 1 minute read
Source: Fietsberaad.nl
Since October, Amsterdam has been offering its residents electric cargo bikes to deposit their rubbish.
The bikes are a solution for the 75% of Amsterdam’s citizens who don’t own a car, they can be borrowed for taking old items and rubbish to be recycled at four recycling centers around the city.
The e-cargo bikes can only be borrowed to transport bulky or garden waste up to 300 kg for a maximum of three hours a day. They are free to use and are insured against all risks. Those wanting to use a cargo bike for this purpose will have to book it in advance online to get instructions from an employee at the recycling point.
The four recycling centers currently receive around 1-4 requests to borrow a cargo bike per week, with the most popular one situated on Henk Sneevlietweg.
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