
Development of Cargo Cycles: a Tweewieler Video Series

1133 days ago

< 1 minute read

Source: Tweewieler – The Dutch tradepaper Tweewielerhas recently published a 4-part video series about (electric) cargo cycles and last mile deliveries. On of the interviewees wa LEVA-EU manager Annick Roetynck, who can be seen in part 3, from minute 3.45 on rules and regulations.

In this 4-part video series, Tweewieler covers the development of early day cargo cycles into fully operating cargo cycles used for intensive logistics works. Every part of the series has it own subject with the first one about logistics, 2nd about infrastructure, 3th about technical aspects and rules/regulations and the final part about the future on cargo cycles.  

Find here a link to part 3 when Annick Roetynck is interviewed.

Photo credits: CityQ

Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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