Accreditation for CoMoUK Mobility Hubs now free
966 days ago
3 minutes
Source: CoMoUK
Established in 1999 and previously known as Carplus and Bikeplus, CoMoUK is now playing a leading role in the UK’s transition to integrated mobility solutions, all designed for the public good
The provider shared, “We have decided to remove the application fee for mobility hub accreditation. We have a number under consideration for accreditation and are always happy to talk with anyone about hubs and our accreditation standard or other work.”
CoMoUK supports the development of shared modes via sponsorship opportunities and R&D, with a focus on car clubs, bike share, 2+ car share, and new modes to include scooter sharing and “on-demand” buses, all paving the way for a more sustainable future.
Of course, safety ranks as high as sustainability when it comes to sharing transport, and that’s where mobility hubs display their importance. Mobility hubs are highly visible, safe, and accessible spaces where the aforementioned shared travel modes can be positioned to aid the local community. Overseas hub examples have been exemplary and have set a benchmark for those using them and, indeed, those living nearby.
CoMoUK has collaborated with partners to create a set of standards for assessing new mobility hubs, the core of which details six contributing factors for success. The six foundation factors considered for the successful scheme design are the following:
- Choice of sustainable modes: Including public and shared modes as well as consideration of pedestrians
- Visibility and accessibility: Hubs need to be part of a clearly identifiable network with services that are easily accessible to all
- Ease of switching between modes: Both in terms of physically and digitally linking the use of the different modes
- Safety: The design and facilities should ensure traveler safety is a key factor
- Practical facilities: Good design will consider what non-transport practical additions can be included
- Visual, social, and community appeal: Finally, a successful mobility hub will enhance the area visually, and provide a contribution to the social and community fabric
Ahead of any implementation, these six quality standards function as a checklist. Each can be applied to mobility hubs and cover not just the designs, but also the process for community consultation and application. CoMoUK will assess anyone who is developing a hub, whereby they will receive a full assessment and an accompanying bronze, silver, or gold status. A set of suggested elements required to meet these standards and achieve accreditation can be found on CoMoUK’s website (
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