
Call for applications – knowledge brokerage programme for early to mid career researchers

435 days ago

2 minutes

Source: Mobilise

The SSH CENTRE project, which includes Mobilise as one of its consortium members, is providing funding for 30 PhD and Early to Mid Career Researchers in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH).

This funding is intended to support their participation in an initiative focused on knowledge brokerage for policymaking in the areas of climate, energy, and mobility. Each participant will receive an honorarium of €2,000 for their involvement in the entire program, which will take place from July 2023 to July 2024.

To be eligible, applicants must be SSH researchers who have not previously served as principal investigators on grants exceeding €100,000.

The program will involve various activities, including online training on knowledge brokerage for policy work. The participants will be divided into six groups and tasked with developing and implementing an online knowledge brokerage initiative. This initiative aims to assist six European partner cities in achieving their decarbonization goals by identifying, organizing, and sharing relevant SSH knowledge. Each research team will collaborate with city representatives, initially through online meetings and later during in-person workshops held in the respective cities, to help shape their knowledge brokerage initiatives.

The deadline for applications is Monday, July 3rd at 11:59 (CEST).

Follow the link for more information and to apply.


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