Belgian 2020 speed pedelec registrations slightly lower than in 2019


2 minutes

The Belgian registrations of speed pedelecs in 2020 did not match the results of 2019. The registrations came to a total of 12,503. That is 413 units or 3.2% less than the year before. In that year, speed pedelec registrations in Belgium made a leap of more than 44%.

The lockdowns in Belgium have clearly taken their toll. The country was locked for the first time from March 17 to May 3. Sales in those three months were more than 26% lower than in the same period in 2019. In the second lockdown from 2 November to 13 December, the damage was limited. Only 1.7% fewer speed pedelecs were registered in November and December.

In June, and especially in August, there was a lot of catching up. The registrations in June were a quarter higher than in 2019, in August the increase even reached 36%. These figures probably include quite a number of speed pedelecs that could not be delivered in the lockdown.

It is not clear to what extent the shortage of parts has affected sales. From September onwards, registrations consistently lagged behind the year before, although the positive effect of COVID-19 should have played out in those months.

Belgian speed pedelec registrations

Month201820192020Change 2019 vs. 2020
Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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