
Become LEVA-EU member now and enjoy extended membership

457 days ago

3 minutes

The duration of LEVA-EU membership is one year. However, if you join between 1 November and 31 December, you can enjoy up to two months of additional membership. If you confirm and pay your membership now, it will run until 31 December 2024.

To become a member, simply return this reply form, https://rb.gy/0ebl2 , completed to annick@leva-eu.com. You will receive the membership fee invoice, and once paid, the membership with all its many benefits will start running until the end of 2024.

LEVA-EU’s main activities are twofold:

1.            We help and assist our members in finding their way in the maze of EU Rules and Regulations. Our members receive exclusive information, which includes market data, legal information, briefings on a variety of issues relevant to them, etc. Furthermore, our members enjoy our individualised information service. We answer all questions related to light, electric vehicles for free. We have a very extended network and we give our members access to that network. We are always happy to connect people.

2.            We work directly with the EU institutions for better regulations for LEVs. We are working as experts in CEN, ISO and IEC TCs, as well as in the following European Commission’s Working Groups:

  • Motorcycle Working Group, which deals with the legislation for L-category
  • Machinery Expert Group, which deals with the Machirey Directive/Regulation
  • Expert Group on Urban Mobility
  • Sustainable Transport Forum

The main issue we are currently working on is the review of the technical rules for light, electric vehicles. We believe the current rules are inadequate and inaccurate. We have developed an extensive position paper with concrete proposals for a fundamental reform. We are confident that our proposal would allow for LEVs to achieve their full potential and to significantly contribute to making mobility sustainable.

Other major issues on our agenda are the Battery Regulation, the Critical Raw Materials Act, the Right to Repair Directive and the review of the Driving Licenses Directive. All these legislative texts are of particular intrest to LEV-companies.

You will find a lot more information on what LEVA-EU has to offer, here on our website, see “Who we are”, “What we do” and “Join us” in the top-menu of our homepage.

The membership fee depends on the number of staff in your company. If you inform us of that number, we can tell you what the exact fee for your company would be. 

Should you wish, we can set up a short introductory online meeting.

Please note that membership fees are LEVA-EU’s only source of income. We don’t receive any subsidies from EU or national authorities. Should you wish, you can consult our financial details in the EU Transparency Register.

We hope we will have the pleasure of welcoming your company as a member of LEVA-EU!

The LEVA-EU Team: Annick, Bram, Eddie, Willow, Ineke, Dennis and Bruno

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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