
BEBAT publishes 3rd E-book on E-mobility

1512 days ago

2 minutes

What will mobility look like in 2030? As of yet no one can answer this interesting question. Still, a number of clear evolutions are already starting to emerge that will fundamentally change our mobility as well as society in general. To sketch this vision of the future, Bebat asked experts from all areas of the mobility industry to gaze into their crystal ball.

One of the interviewed experts is LEVA-EU Manager, Annick Roetynck. She predicts that by 2030, most cities will have banned cars alltogether. She believes cars will be replaced to a major extent in favour of  light electric vehicles such as e-bikes, e-cargo bikes, e-steps and other new light electric concepts.

Bebat is the Belgain governing body for end-of-life batteries. In tandem with sorting centre Sortbat, Bebat has been an indispensable link in the economic value chain of batteries for more than a decade. In the past 6 years Bebat has collected, transported, stored and – if the customer so wishes – examined and dismantled well over 10,000 EV batteries.

It is, of course, hard to predict what the mobility industry will look like in 2030. However, there is no doubt that a number of evolutions and trends will challenge the status quo. One thing is for certain: all these new and predominantly electric forms of mobility will generate an exponential growth of the number of batteries.

This conclusion inspired Bebat to peruse a number of recent studies and consult with a broad range of experts from the energy industry, the automotive industry, the lease sector, the academic world and the logistics industry to get their take on the next 10 years. Their their visions have been gathered in the third edition of Bebat’s Ebook on E-Mobility.

The E-book is available for free in English, French and Dutch online or as a downloadable version: https://ebooks.bebat.be/en


Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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