AVERE at Eurobike 2015

3302 days ago

2 minutes

For the second time, AVERE LEV-TF participates at the Eurobike Show, which takes place from 26 till 28 August in Friedrichshafen (D).

AVERE has a booth on the first floor of the West Entrance (number FW-OG103). The booth is meant to be a tranquil place where members and other visitors can escape for a while from the hectic show for a meeting or for a cup of coffee.

AVERE LEV-TF is sharing the booth with the Light Electric Vehicle Association (LEVA).

On Thursday 27 August as of 12.30 p.m. in meeting room Schweiz (Foyer West), AVERE will be welcoming LEV-TF members, members of the press as well as anybody  interested in the AVERE LEV-TF for an information meeting.

Over a light lunch, participants will be informed on the activities of the AVERE light electric vehicle task force. They will learn more about, among other things, the new type-approval procedure for electric bicycles. Belgian PHD student Bram Rotthier will explain his research on fast pedelecs and will clarify further activities of his university KUL (B), in the field of electric bicycles.

For practical reasons, we kindly request you to register for this meeting in advance. This link will take you to the registration page: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=xtetk7uab&oeidk=a07ebful9sweb800d4a

The traditional Eurobike 2015 LEVA networking dinner, co-hosted by AVERE LEV-TF, is also on Thursday 27 August in the Zeppelin Hangar FN Restaurant at 6:30 PM. Please register in advance by clicking on the following link:

Should you wish to meet the AVERE LEV-TF Policy Manager, Annick Roetynck, you can contact her before the show for an appointment: email a.roetynck@pandora.be, tel. +32 475 500 588.

Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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