
Aureus Drive further expands its partner network

583 days ago

< 1 minute read

The LEVA-EU member continues to grow its test drive and service partners, ensuring customers have easy access to service options.

Swiss-based Aureus Drive produces robust 45km/h e-bikes, aiming to provide ecologically sound mobility to all. The manufacturer has recently announced six further test drive and service partners:

  • Münsigen – sport2go
  • Biberist – sport2go
  • Wädenswil – sport2go
  • Stans – sport2go
  • Bern Bollwerk
  • Genf rive gauche

By densifying its partner network, Aureus Drive provides nearby servicing options for a larger number of customers, allowing any warranty work or service requirements to be met more easily. The brand’s full service network can be found, here.


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