
Aggressive Customs’ Actions against EU E-Bike Companies


< 1 minute read

LEVA-EU has recently been informed on a variety of actions against European electric bicycle companies, in which EU customs authorities haven been particularly aggressive and invasive.

The allegations are quite diverse but include among other things:

  • Buying from a European supplier who is suspected of circumventing anti-dumping duties on electric bicycles from China
  • Using incorrect HS codes to avoid anti-circumvention duties on bicycle components
  • Illegal application of rules of origin for e-bikes that are produced outside the EU and China

In all these cases, there are serious doubts as to the legal basis for the EU customs’ approach and claims. LEVA-EU is currently seeking legal advice.

In this framework, we need to know if there are more cases and if so, in which Member States. We are therefore calling on European electric bike companies that have recently experienced a similar customs’ action, to report this to LEVA-EU. We do of course guarantee anonymity.

Cases can be reported by phoning or mailing LEVA-EU Manager Annick Roetynck: +32 475 500 58, annick@leva-eu.com.

Annick Roetynck

Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.

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