Tag Archive: recycling

  1. Recycling boost in Fortaleza, Brazil powered by e-tricycles

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    World Resources Institute reports on how light electric vehicles are improving working conditions for catadores

    Source: World Resource Institute

    Rafaela Aires starts her workday at 9:00 a.m., cycling through city streets along the Atlantic shoreline and under concrete overpasses. Previously, Aires collected bottles and cardboard in a hand-drawn cart. Today, they are transported in an electric tricycle’s cargo container as she moves through bike lanes.

    As a long-standing catadora, or waste picker, in Fortaleza, Brazil, Aires recalls the social stigma surrounding her profession. Many catadores, like Musamara Pereira, have faced derogatory terms, such as “vulture” or “trash ripper,” and were not widely recognized as professionals. However, the work of catadores is crucial in Fortaleza, a city with limited waste and recycling infrastructure. Approximately 8,000 catadores operate informally, managing much of the city’s waste collection and recycling by selling collected materials to third parties.

    Despite some efforts by the government to formalize this profession, catadores often face hazardous working conditions. Many work up to 18 hours a day, moving loads as heavy as 240 kilograms in hand-drawn carts, with their income varying based on what they can collect and sell. Monthly earnings for an average waste picker in Fortaleza are around R$300 (US$53).

    The city’s limited recycling facilities contribute to accumulating rubbish on streets, only 6% of recyclables were processed in 2023, leaving areas cluttered with waste. According to a local restaurant owner, waste often remains part of the cityscape.

    In recent years, Fortaleza’s waste management practices have seen incremental improvements due to Re-Ciclo, a project launched by the city’s Innovation Laboratory. This initiative, aimed at enhancing recycling and catadores working conditions, has introduced a fleet of electric tricycles to support door-to-door collection for the first time.

    Re-Ciclo: Addressing Fortaleza’s waste challenges

    Re-Ciclo seeks to improve Fortaleza’s recycling capacity and uplift its catadores. Through this initiative, catadores now collect recyclables along specific routes, stopping at homes and businesses that have requested pick-ups. The collected recyclables are taken to “Eco-Points,” centralised collection centres, where waste is sorted and prepared for sale to recycling intermediaries.

    The program has also aimed to improve catadores’ working conditions. Electric tricycles enable workers like Raquel Silva, president of the Moura Brasil Waste Pickers Association, to complete 10-16 pick-ups in the time it previously took to complete 3-4 with a hand-drawn cart. Re-Ciclo tracks the recyclables collected along each route, allowing catadores to negotiate more stable pay based on collected data. Most workers now receive up to five times their previous income and benefit from transportation and meal vouchers, supporting better working conditions.

    Developing Re-Ciclo with waste worker input

    Re-Ciclo began in response to the COVID-19 pandemic when Fortaleza’s government sought to support catadores unable to work. The city’s Innovation Laboratory (LABIFOR) integrated catadores feedback to improve the design and implementation of the initiative. Through consultations, they developed the Eco-Points and introduced e-tricycles tailored to waste pickers’ needs, including lighter, more manoeuvrable designs that can carry up to 150 kilograms and operate at double the speed of hand-drawn carts. LABIFOR also provided personal protective equipment and training for catadores, addressing safety and operational needs.

    To increase recycling participation, the city launched an app allowing residents to request pick-ups, while those outside service routes can bring waste directly to Eco-Points. Education campaigns further encouraged recycling among residents and businesses.

    Scaling Re-Ciclo for broader impact

    Since its launch, Re-Ciclo’s e-tricycles have helped transport 380 tons of recyclables in their first full year, contributing to a 541% increase in Fortaleza’s recycling rate. Luiz Alberto Sabóia, head of Fortaleza’s Science, Technology, and Innovation Foundation (CITINOVA), described it as a significant step for the city’s selective waste collection.

    The program has also improved local perceptions of waste pickers, with residents increasingly engaging with catadores and using Re-Ciclo’s services.

    Moving forward, Fortaleza plans to expand Re-Ciclo to 150 e-tricycles by December 2024, providing jobs for more than 200 catadores across all city districts. LABIFOR is also exploring solar-powered tricycles to further enhance efficiency. Re-Ciclo’s success has inspired neighboring cities and aligns with Brazil’s national waste management goals, which aim for 48% of waste to reach recycling centers by 2040.

  2. China continues development of circular battery economy

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    Source: electrive

    Global electric vehicle usage continues to rise, and with it, potential battery waste. Changes to legislation in China provide a case study for other countries wishing to alter the life cycle of their batteries. 

    China is the world’s single largest early adopter of electric vehicles. Alongside this wave of new technology are new challenges, including an enormous quantity of batteries that must be reused or recycled. Over the last 6 months, China has seen a series of new directives that act to build upon existing battery reuse and recycling schemes, industry, and infrastructure.  The success of these initiatives over the coming months and years will provide crucial insight into how other countries can improve battery usage and secure a more environmentally conscious future for electric vehicles.

    During 2021, 3.3 million new energy vehicles (NEVs) were sold in China; these include purely battery, hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. This number does not account for the millions of electric bikes and mopeds additionally sold during the period. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) now aims to ensure greater environmental protection, improved resource utilization, and healthy NEV development through new directives. The battery recycling market in China is estimated to reach 3.59 billion euros by 2025.

    Battery reuse – a sustainable ladder

    After an operating period of 4-6 years, electric vehicle batteries operate at a capacity below 80%, becoming unfit for the original intended use. Here the second life ‘ladder’ utilized by China comes into action, moving batteries into slower electric vehicles, and eventually, stationary energy storage units. The policy is referred to as ‘most urgent use first’, with older batteries descending the ladder as their performance degrades.

    Battery recycling – the ins and outs

    At present, there are 47 whitelisted battery recycling companies in China, with two firms – Brunp and GEM representing 50% of official operation. Operating unofficially, a plethora of smaller businesses offering cheaper rates also exist, though may operate in a wasteful, or harmful way.

    However, while there is seemingly plenty of activity, only 30-40% of battery materials are estimated to be recycled. The relatively new industry is still finding its footing. In an ideal scenario, once all aspects are streamlined, there is a possibility for 80% of components in many battery types to be recycled.

    New directives to kickstart a recycling revolution (2018-2021)

    China’s first regulations in 2018 made automakers responsible for the recycling of batteries in their vehicles and promoted an ‘internet + recycling’ business model, facilitating the flow of second-life batteries.

    2021’s 5-year plan sees a renewed focus on the electric transport industry in all aspects and lays the foundation for a complete battery recycling system by 2025, representing a more circular battery economy. For region-specific initiatives and specific directives, click here.

  3. Riese & Müller issues immediate recall and ride stop of Packster 70

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    On October 8th 2021, Riese & Müller issued an urgent recall of the Packster 70 model and have also advised an immediate ride stop for the sake of customer safety.

    The recall affects “all models that have been delivered since the start of delivery and up to and including October 06, 2021”, and production and delivery have been completely halted. The recall notice extends to all Packster 70 bikes, and is due to a technical problem with the cable steering, which has the potential to severely impact steering. The brand has confirmed that the Packster 60 and Packster 80 are not affected by this issue nor included in the recall.

    Markus Riese, founder and managing director of Riese & Müller stated, “We are aware that for many of our customers the Packster 70 determines their everyday mobility and is a substitute for a car, which will now be discontinued overnight. We regret this measure all the more. We ask however for understanding that we must act as responsible enterprise in such a way “.

    Riese & Müller will be contacting known owners with information and next steps relating to the recall, with the recall page explaining:

    “Owners who are already registered on the Riese & Müller My Bike service platform will be proactively informed. Non-registered customers are asked to register here or send an email to recall@r-m.de with frame number, address and phone number.

    Riese & Müller expressly apologizes to all dealers and customers for any inconvenience caused.”

    Source: https://www.r-m.de/en-au/enterprise/press/press-releases/recall-and-immediate-ride-stop-packster-70-model/

  4. Wind turbines repurposed into bike sheds in Denmark

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    In a great example of re-use, green energy infrastructure in the form of retired wind turbine blades have gone on to provide green transport infrastructure as bicycle storage sheds.

    TheMAYOR.eu reports on this creative solution to a large recycling problem. With nearly half of the country’s energy coming from wind power, and the nation being committed to environmentally friendly policy at various levels, using decommissioned turbine blades in this way is a great fit and inspiration for other organisations and leaders. The curved, sweeping shape requires minimal augmentation before it can be put into action shielding bicycles from the elements.

    The innovation was created by Siemens Gamesa, who wrote on Facebook: “Granted, making blades into bike sheds is a small-scale solution, but we believe that every blade that is reused is a valid recycling opportunity.”

    Source: https://www.themayor.eu/en/a/view/siemens-gamesa-transforms-denmark-s-wind-turbine-blades-into-bike-sheds-8985

    Wind turbine bike shed
    Wind turbine bike shed. Source: Siemens Gamesa on Facebook
  5. 23rd International Congress for Battery Recycling – ICBR 2018

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    This year’s International Congress for Battery Recycling ICBR 2018 will take place from 26 to 28 September in Berlin. LEVA-EU is a partner of this Congress. On Thursday 27 September at 3.30 p.m., LEVA-EU Manager Annick Roetynck will be speaking about the potential of light electric vehicles in the framework of EU Policies.

    In preparation of the Congress, the organizers have had an extended interview with Jean-Pol Wiaux, Chairman of the ICBR Steering Committee.

    ▪ Mr Wiaux, the next International Congress for Battery Recycling (ICBR) will be held in Berlin in just over three months. Can you give us an update of the program?
    This 23rd edition of the ICBR has raised interest among many new actors in the field of battery recycling. Proposals for papers reflect the battery industry’s diversification and growth. Recycling has become an inevitable part of the discussion between the parties concerned as EU environmental and economic policy moves towards a circular economy.
    I am convinced that the congress program as recently finalized will offer a great basis for discussions after formal presentations and during panel discussions, plant tours and workshops.
    ▪ What highlights can attendees look forward to this year?
    Three renowned keynote speakers specialized in very different fields will open the congress:
    ➢ Professor Kerstin Kuchta (Hamburg University of Technology) will address the role of batteries in a circular economy
    ➢ Didier Marginèdes, Director of Blue Solutions, will review how car manufacturers are anticipating new market demand with the development of electric mobility
    ➢ Gudula Schwan from the German Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure will talk on the importance of controlling hazards and risks when transporting batteries for recycling
    In addition, we have the unique opportunity to propose a session on chemicals policy, an important issue for the battery recycling industry, with speakers from the European Chemicals Agency (EChA) and the European Association of Metals (EUROMETAUX).
    ▪ What will the main topics of this year’s congress be?
    The EU battery recycling industry is under pressure from the EU Environment Authority, but also from OEMs. The recently launched European Battery Alliance, the political move towards a circular economy, the review of the EU Batteries Directive, innovative battery recycling technologies and, last but not least, safety issues are on the congress’s agenda.
    Furthermore, specialists from the metal trading industry will deliver key messages on the evolution of active materials pricing and the potential impact of recycling on raw materials economics.
    During their international sessions, ICBR congresses are the only ones to provide a platform on battery recycling to speakers from all around the world.
    ▪ The development of electric mobility and digitization is inconceivable without batteries. To what extent has recycling already reached the battery industry?
    The battery recycling industry has operated in Europe for more than 50 years. During the last twenty years it has adapted to many technological cycles, including lead-acid and primary alkaline battery recycling, but also nickel-cadmium and nickel metal hydride processing as well as more recently dealing with lithium primary and lithium-ion rechargeable types.
    Moving from a linear to a circular economy is a big push for recyclers. However, they need to operate on a globally competitive technical and business basis. In particular, there is a need for the EU Authority to clarify the “equivalent performances” concept and its enforcement when calculating recycling efficiency.
    But battery recyclers are not operating alone. The important role of OEMs is also under scrutiny, as they need to integrate both the technical and the economical aspects of battery recycling in their commercial policy.
    ▪ Given the booming demand for batteries, recyclers should have no reason to complain about their business, should they?
    The battery recycling business is impacted by conflicting parameters. The return rate of end-of-life batteries is much lower than the market penetration rate. The active materials content of batteries is continually developing as the race for
    performance and safety continues: The chemistry of lithium rechargeable batteries is not fixed and new, active materials are offered regularly by industry.
    Let’s not forget that a significant number of advanced batteries are processed without the costs being fully balanced by the value of the recovered materials.
    Factors such as re-use and second life may also impact the volume of returned batteries. Innovative business models offered by OEMs to control the flow of batteries at the end-of-life stage and secure access to raw materials and stable battery pricing are necessary.
    Last year, industry barometer initiative results showed an optimistic trend in the battery recycling business arena. This year we will again present to participants our battery recycling industry barometer. The results will be interesting.
    ▪ Will there be a supporting program apart from the actual congress this year?
    Traditionally, the ICBR presents an ideal opportunity to meet with the industry. Two plant tours have been organized, thanks to the industrial partners who responded positively to ICM’s request.
    Nickelhütte Aue GmbH specializes in recycling nickel-based materials and other non-ferrous metals. It has also gathered seven years of experience in recycling lithium-ion batteries.
    Electrocycling GmbH, Goslar offers technologies for recycling electronic devices, of which 80% of the processed materials are re-introduced into the economy and only 2% are disposed of in an environmentally compatible manner.
    A workshop will also concentrate on the practical aspects of lithium batteries in terms of hazards and safety. Do not miss this workshop if you are new to the field or if you want to learn more about good practices guidance for handling, storing and transporting lithium batteries.
    ▪ It is a good tradition that all participants are invited to a networking dinner in a special location at the end of the first congress day. What can the guests look forward to this year?
    If you want to catch the spirit of the ICBR, don’t miss the famous networking dinner where entertainment meets business partners. This year, we shall gather all the participants at the well-known Berlin entertainment location “Bar jeder Vernunft”, where it will again be a memorable evening accompanied by surprise show acts.
    So, don’t miss this opportunity to exchange news, views and ideas with experts from all areas of the battery recycling sector. We look forward to welcoming you at this year’s industry meeting! For all the details on the program and how to register, go to: https://www.icm.ch/icbr-2018 .

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