Tag Archive: germany

  1. Germany set to fall significantly short on EU climate targets

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    Source: Euractiv, N. J. Kurmayer

    Projections suggest that Germany is likely to emit 150 million tonnes more of CO2-equivalent gases than permitted under EU rules created by the Effort Sharing Regulation, which is expected to result in a fine of up to €30 billion.

    The EU’s Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR), which was most recently revised in March, addresses 60% of emissions within the European Union, and is used as a supplementary measure to the emissions trading scheme (ETS I), which primarily covers the industrial and energy sectors.

    Under the ESR, the responsibility for climate protection measures is distributed among EU member countries based on their respective economic wealth. The five wealthiest EU nations, including Germany, must reduce their emissions by 50% by 2030. In contrast, less wealthy nations such as Bulgaria have a lower reduction target of 10%.

    Germany is projected to fall significantly short of its climate targets in both the building and transportation sectors; it is expected for there to be a deficit of approximately 150 million metric tons of CO2-equivalent gases relative to the ESR targets. If this is the case, Germany will have to purchase emission allowances from other countries to compensate for the shortfall, although the exact price remains yet unknown.

    The cost of carbon

    Brigitte Knopf, vice-chair of the German climate expert panel, emphasized the importance of fulfilling both national and European climate commitments, as well as acknowledging that these commitments appear to have been ignored by Berlin during the revision of its climate legislation.

    In spring, Germany opted to eliminate individual sector-specific climate targets in favour of a comprehensive approach. Despite public statements from senior government officials that climate targets would be reached, experts from the climate panel anticipate an oversupply of more than 200 million tonnes by 2030. While this may lead to legal issues for Berlin, the financial implications associated with failing to reduce CO2-equivalent emissions will come at a price.

    In 2022, Germany was forced to acquire 11 million carbon certificates from Bulgaria, Czechia and Hungary for the 2013-2020 period, which were relatively affordable due to their abundance at the time as many countries had a surplus. However, for the 2021-2027 period, the emissions gap between Germany’s target and actual emissions is expected to be 15 times larger. As part of the EU’s “Fit for 55” climate package many countries’ targets are becoming increasingly ambitious, meaning that fewer countries are likely to have significant leftover emission allowances available.

    The price for emission allowances under the EU Climate Change Regulation is basically still completely uncertain,” says Jakob Graichen, a senior expert at the German Öko Institute. Experts anticipate that it will depend on the upcoming EU emissions trading scheme for buildings and transport, potentially reaching prices exceeding €50 per emission allowance, or potentially even several hundred euros.

    At a gap of 150 million allowances, the penalty for missing the effort-sharing targets could be substantial: upwards of €7.5 billion at a minimum, although €30 billion could easily be reached.

    Ultimately, however, allowance prices are a consequence of bilateral negotiations between EU countries, with the possibility that countries like Bulgaria, for example, may offer allowances to Germany at lower prices.

    Should Germany be unable to secure an adequate quantity of emission allowances, especially considering that other EU countries are unlikely to significantly surpass their targets, it raises significant uncertainty. Knopf stressed that the precise outcome remains unclear, but the European Environmental Agency is expected to publish more detailed analyses of EU countries’ ability to meet their effort-sharing goals by late October.

  2. EUROBIKE 2024 registration is open

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    Source: Eurobike

    Interested exhibitors for next year’s Eurobike have until October 25 2023 to register for the trade fair, which will be held from July 3-7 2024.

    The success of the second Frankfurt edition has proven that Eurobike remains one of the world’s leading trade fairs for the bike and future mobility industry! This international platform opens up all kinds of opportunities for exhibitors, enabling them to achieve a diverse range of business objectives.

    Eurobike as a global platform

    This year 34,750 trade visitors from 122 nations followed the trade show motto “Hello Future“. During the business days, the international trade audience ensured a great atmosphere at the stands of over 1,900 exhibitors, in the meeting spots and lounges, as well as in front of the numerous conference and show stages.

    Eurobike 2023 was once again the central platform for intensive exchange and networking between the players from industry, trade, politics, and media.

    Register to exhibit at Eurobike 2024 here.

  3. Associations in Germany call for different laws and better infrastructure instead of ‘More Respect’

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    On World Bicycle Day on June 3rd, German associations Ecological Transport Club (VCD), the Association for Service and Bicycles (VSF) and Zukunft Fahrrad, the trade association for future bicycles, called for speedy reforms.

    Source: SAZ Bike

    On World Bicycle Day, German associations VCD, VSF, and Zukunft Fahrrad demanded more safety in road traffic, i.e. good infrastructure for bicycle and pedestrian traffic, modern road traffic laws, and the possibility of reducing the standard speed. The associations take a critical view of the new “More Attention” campaign launched by the Federal Ministry of Transport, and the German Road Safety Council. Although it promotes “good coexistence on roads and cycle paths”, it shifts the responsibility onto individuals.

    Among the demands are calls that the Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Volker Wissing, must overhaul the road traffic law and relinquish the bias towards the car. In addition, the legislature must reduce the speed limit to 30 km/h in built-up areas – this is also what 742 municipalities in the Alliance for Liveable Cities and Communities are demanding. The three associations want a safe infrastructure for everyone in traffic. This includes well-developed cycle paths and footpaths with safe crossings, and more consistent enforcement of the existing law.

    Reforms Instead of Posters

    Michael Müller-Görnert, traffic policy spokesman for the VCD, calls for rapid reforms instead of empty appeals: “Accidents are often caused by the high speed of cars. We don’t need a friendly recommendation to change that, but please drive carefully – we need a speed of 120km/h on the motorway, a speed of 80km/h on country roads and a speed of 30km/h in the city in hand to reduce the number of road deaths by changing the law. Instead, he just sticks with putting up posters.”

    The VSF managing director Uwe Wöll criticizes that #mehrAchtung (#MoreAttention) assigns the responsibility to all road users equally: “The campaign mentions the number of almost 2,800 dead and 300,000 injured a year. What is not mentioned, however, is that cars are involved in 75% of all accidents involving personal injury. This suggests, equality of means of transport, which in reality does not exist – those who walk or cycle are injured more often, but are much less likely to be responsible for serious accidents.”

    Elena Laidler-Zettelmeyer, Head of Strategic Cooperation for Zukunft Fahrrad: “Many people would like to cycle more. But they don’t because they don’t feel safe on the streets. A mindfulness campaign can only be a single component of a larger package of measures for more security. A real commitment to a fair distribution of space in favour of active mobility is needed. It remains the primary task of the politically responsible to ensure more safety through a better political framework so that everyone can participate in traffic on an equal footing.”

    VCD, VSF and Zukunft Fahrrad call on the Ministry of Transport to instate speed limits, and promote the expansion of safe cycle paths and footpaths. This would actually show people in traffic more respect.

  4. Micro-mobility study 2023: High number of users in the countryside and among the elderly. Over 50% reduce trips by car

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    Cologne, May 25, 2023. BEM (Bundesverband eMobilität e.V.) presented its eMobility Micromobility Study 2023 at the polisMOBILITY trade fair in Cologne, together with the member companies, the market research company UScale, and the information portal for sustainable mobility, voylt. It examines the attitudes of owners, interested parties and non-owners of light electric vehicles towards micromobility in Germany and provides insight into the social behavior of the buyer groups.

    Light electric vehicles (LEVs) are considered the new vehicle alternative to the car and are technical vehicles in the drive for revolution. What the average consumer often associates solely with offers such as e-scooters and pedelecs, and which the regulator divides into several sub-groups, has meanwhile become a growing field of diverse vehicle innovations in micro-mobility. In addition to the vehicles of the Small Electric Vehicles Ordinance (eKFV) up to 20 km/h, they also include two-wheel, three-wheel or four-wheel motor vehicles from 25 km/h, which are intended for driving on public roads and which include both passenger and logistics vehicles. In order to cover the entire spectrum, micro electric vehicles without handlebars that are not registered in Germany were also included in the study.

    The main results of the study are:

    1. Micromobility is not a big city phenomenon. In rural areas, LEVs are used even more frequently than in the city.
    2. All age groups drive light vehicles equally. Older people in particular are discovering these vehicles for themselves in order to remain mobile, for example because of health restrictions.
    3. LEVs are currently used by people who tend to be higher earners.
    4. The majority of those who have property are well connected to public transport. So LEVs do not compete with local public transport.
    5. 53% of owners state that they use the car less, 6% even reported that they have given up their own car.

    In the representative survey of 1,110 people in Germany, the attitude of the respondents to micromobility or LEVs was surveyed. In addition, around 800 other owners and interested parties were interviewed for more in-depth analysis of their experiences in the purchasing process and use. The total sample of the study conducted in April 2023 was 1,890 participants.

    Since light electric vehicles are significantly smaller and lighter than an average car, they make an important contribution to climate protection and resource conservation. Due to their size advantage, they take up less space in stationary and moving traffic, reduce noise, and consume less CO2 and primary energy over their life cycle.

    Further evaluation of the data revealed:

    1. Buyers have a great need for information on technical and regulatory issues. They do most of their research online. However, the majority buys from specialist dealers (46%).
    2. 20% of owners have had prior experience of sharing LEVs. Half of them state that these experiences encouraged them to buy an LEV.
    3. In addition to the price, the range and the technical equipment are the most important factors in the purchase decision.
    4. 31% of non-owners are generally interested in a purchase, another 10% at least certify that LEVs have a great future and for another 36% LEVs occasionally make sense. Only 5% of non-haves are opposed to LEVs in principle.
    5. The uninterested recognize that LEVs are more than just a fad. However, they would like stricter regulation to make it safer for LEVs to participate in traffic.

    Dr. Axel Sprenger, Founder and Managing Director of UScale said (translated from release in German):

    “We don’t see a culture war between the vehicles among those surveyed, but rather a search for the optimal, personal use. Since the market is very young and there is a lack of information in many places, people are groping their way forward. We, as market analysts, are finally getting closer to this area, which is so important for the mobility transition, and we are glad that we can now present a major study on this important topic for the first time.”

    Johannes Haas, Founder and Managing Director of voylt commented (translated from release in German):

    “For us, the results show that the tiresome discussion about shared e-scooters in poorly regulated cities is obscuring the opportunities for micromobility. In reality, the increase in personal comfort through electric light vehicles is confirmed in highly individualized mobility: employees who commute 20 km to their place of work in the neighboring town every day with an e-moped; retirees using an electric tricycle for shopping trips; entrepreneurs who are increasingly using electric vans, or singles who can fit into any parking space in the big city with an electric MicroCar – there are great and convenient ways today to protect the environment in everyday life and still be mobile.”

    Christian Heep, Vice-President BEM | Bundesverband eMobilität e.V. shared (translated from release in German):

    “Anyone who wants to rethink mobility cannot avoid individualization through the use of micromobility and light electric vehicles. The fact that this area in Germany – in contrast to many of our European neighbors – is not subsidized by the state makes it clear how many options for reducing CO2 emissions are still unused.”

    In the Bundesverband eMobilität e.V., the BEM working group 1 deals with this market segment.
    The Bundesverband eMobilität (BEM) is an association of companies, institutions, scientists and users from the field of electromobility who are committed to converting mobility in Germany to electromobility based on renewable energies. The tasks of the BEM include the active networking of economic actors for the development of sustainable and intermodal mobility solutions, the improvement of the legal framework for the expansion of e-mobility, and the enforcement of more equal opportunities when converting to low-emission drive concepts. The association was founded in 2009. It organizes 450 member companies with an annual turnover of over 100 billion euros who employ over one million people worldwide. More than 2,000 registered participants work in 19 working groups on the entire range of e-mobility.

    UScale advises car manufacturers, utilities and service providers on the customer-oriented design of offers and the development of KPI systems for customer perception. UScale’s work is based on customer insight studies on all aspects of e-mobility and an evaluation process for the acceptance of digital services from the customer’s point of view. UScale is the only provider of a panel specializing in e-mobility, with over 7000 panelists in German-speaking countries.

    voylt is a European portal for sustainable e-mobility, which offers interested parties a wide range of information and intuitive purchase advice. The name is a combination of voyage and volt – it stands for an exciting journey into the electric future.

  5. Bernhard Ponitka new QWIC Sales Representative West-Germany

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    E-bike manufacturer QWIC is pleased to announce the appointment of Bernhard Ponitka, as the company’s newest Sales Representative in West-Germany. With over 30 years of experience in retail, Ponitka brings a wealth of expertise and knowledge to the QWIC team.

    Throughout Bernhard’s career, he has worked in the sports fashion industry and held various positions in sales and leadership. At QWIC, his focus will be on building and maintaining strong relationships with QWIC-dealers, while seeking out new geographic opportunities to expand QWIC’s customer network.

    Rasched Abu-Isbeih will focus on the role of overall sales manager for QWIC Germany from May and will transfer the North Rhine-Westphalia region to Bernhard Ponitka.

    “I am thrilled to join the QWIC team and work with such a passionate group of individuals,” said Ponitka. “My goal is to build strong partnerships with our existing partners while seeking out new opportunities for growth. I believe that e-bikes are the future of transportation, and I am excited to be a part of a company that is making it easier for people to make the switch.”

    “My first ride on a QWIC e-bike was an unforgettable experience,” added Bernhard. “I want to share this feeling with as many people as possible and encourage them to ride our e-bikes. The passion of the QWIC family for the product and every detail inspires me and fits my attitude perfectly.”

    More vacancies available
    QWIC is constantly looking for enthusiasts who want to contribute to the growth of QWIC. Do you want to be part of QWIC’s success? Check out all vacancies here.

    About QWIC

    QWIC is a fast-growing manufacturer of premium design e-bikes. The producer is active in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. QWIC’s ambition is to reduce current mobility problems and environmental pollution by developing innovative electric bicycles. With a modern design and the use of the best components, QWIC takes its electric bicycles to a higher level every year. This is proven by the many e-bike awards that QWIC has recently won, such as the AD Bike Test 2021, the ElektroRad Test 2023 and internationally recognised design awards like the German Design Award 2022.


    Contact QWIC

    Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information, questions or comments:

    Janne van den Tweel | Marketing QWIC | +31 (0)6 44 900 569 | marketing@qwic.nl | www.qwic.eu

  6. E-bikes in the fast lane: record year reported for Germany’s bicycle trade

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    Source: ZIV

    The ZIV Bicycle Industry Association and VDZ Association of the German Bicycle Trade have published market figures for bicycles and e-bikes in 2022, reporting another record year for the German bicycle trade.

    E-bike production in Germany reached an all-time high, increasing to 1.72 million units (+20% from 2021), while sales also reached a new peak with 2.2 million units sold (+10% from 2021). A key driver of this growth is the clear trend towards second bikes. In addition to an urban bike or e-bike, consumers often opt for a second sporty or cargo bike.

    E-bikes hold a market share of 48% in Germany and, according to Burkhard Stork (Managing Director of the ZIV), are expected to overtake non-motorised bicycles in terms of unit numbers for the first time this year. In some product categories, such as mountain and cargo bikes, there is now a clear dominance for power-assisted bikes.

    The average sales price including VAT across all sales channels and models was €2,800 for e-bikes (this data includes the increasing share of high-priced cargo bikes, which pushes up the average price). Demands have changed and customers today want higher quality components, such as the gearshift, brakes, tires, and lighting, as well as a strong battery, suspension, app connection, good design, and long service life.

    The ZIV estimates the total stock of e-bikes in Germany at the end of 2022 to be 9.8 million units, meaning that there are significantly more than 10 million e-bikes on the road today. With regards to health benefits and mobility transition, e-bikes are used much more often and over longer distances; an average of 1,500 to 2,000 kilometres per year.

    E-mountain bikes have overtaken e-trekking bikes as the most popular type of e-bike among buyers, a shift that occurred in 2021 and has continued in 2022. There were 836,000 e-mountain bikes sold in 2022 (+23% from 2021), compared to 616,000 e-trekking bikes (-4% from 2021). In addition to e-mountain bikes, the biggest increases in demand have been for sporty e-bikes such as road, gravel, and fitness bikes, as well as e-cargo bikes and speed pedelecs.

    1.45 million e-bikes were imported in 2022, with the share of imports from EU countries being around 69% and the import share from Asia increasing slightly to 27%. This is due to the expansion of production in the EU/production sites in neighbouring EU countries, independence within the EU from developments in customs, and anti-dumping duty on imports of e-bikes from China.

    Around 98% of e-bike exports went to countries in the EU and EFTA. The Netherlands remained the most important export country with 24% (139,000 units), however this represents a significant decrease compared to 2021 (34% or 209,000 units). Austria and France followed at a distance with 12% each (same as 2021), Switzerland with 11% (+9% from 2021), Belgium with 11% (+8% from 2021), and Italy with 6% (same as 2021).

    Read the full report here.

  7. Johnson Electric acquires a majority stake in Pendix GmbH, provider of electric drives and e-bikes

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    Source: Johnson Electric

    Johnson Electric announces the acquisition of an 80% stake in LEVA-EU member Pendix GmbH, a well-established technology-driven market player in the e-bike industry. Based in Zwickau, Germany, Pendix designs, manufactures, and brings complete electric cargo bikes and electric drives for bicycles to market. Pendix’s offering combines leading innovation with an extremely high level of product reliability.

    By welcoming Pendix as part of Johnson Electric Group, we are expanding our e-mobility offering and entering the e-bike market. With Johnson Electric’s industrial scale and global reach together with Pendix’s expertise in the e-bike sector, we are positioning ourselves into a fast-growing and innovative industry,” said Dr. Patrick Wang, Chairman and CEO of Johnson Electric.

    Our engineering center in Dresden, Germany, is in close proximity to Zwickau. This will enable close collaboration with the highly skilled Pendix team. We’re excited about expanding into the e-bike sector, and by doing so we hope to create a more sustainable future for personal mobility,” added Austin Wang, Senior Vice President of Johnson Electric.

    All Pendix founders, who started the company in 2013, will remain shareholders of Pendix and continue in their active management roles to lead the business growth plans.

    We are extremely pleased to join such a reputable company as Johnson Electric and are convinced that our common passions for innovation and engineering perfection together with a strong cultural fit are a great foundation for reaching the next level of success,” commented Thomas Herzog, co-founder and CEO of Pendix GmbH.

  8. Laka’s insurance extends to Germany with the support of Porsche

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    Source: SazBike, M. Huber

    LEVA-EU member Laka, a bicycle insurer based in London, has now launched its service in Germany thanks to support from Porsche Ventures. In its initial stage, the brand will offer digital insurance products in these regions.

    Laka insurance is now available for all bicycles in Germany, including a partnership with Cyklaer e-bikes. Service providers in Germany under Laka insurance include Decathalon, Raleigh, Le Col, and Dockr. As announced in June, this development is facilitated by support from Porsche Ventures.

    Maxim Huber writes, “The insurance provider promises to only bill customers for the actual costs of claims submitted in the previous month. Insured persons should benefit from lower prices with fewer claims, while members are protected from higher collective claims by a monthly price cap. Costs are reduced through a daily updated pricing and risk model, with policyholders being transparent about where their money is going each month, the company says.”

    We are thrilled to bring our modern, refreshing, and collective insurance model to Germany, where micro-mobility is already a part of everyday life and continues to grow,” says Kelly Barnes, CMO of Laka.

  9. UDV research: E-bikes are not more dangerous than regular bicycles for most users

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    Source: fietsberaad.nl

    Statistics provided by the German Insurers Accident Research (UDV) indicate that an e-bike is no more dangerous than a regular bicycle in most cases, despite differing opinions.

    As e-bike usage in Germany has grown, so has the associated number of accidents. At a glance, it appears the proportion of elderly people involved in e-bike crashes may have increased, but following analysis, this can actually be attributed to a higher proportion of elderly riders using e-bikes. What is striking is that there are relatively more single-vehicle accidents involving e-cyclists and more accidents generally outside of built-up areas.

    Of course, the question is whether e-cyclists run a higher risk per kilometer driven. E-cyclists in Germany drive on average 1.8 times as many kilometers per day than regular cyclists. Once the difference in distance is taken into account, it is revealed that the age group 34-74 is not at a higher risk. This applies to involvement in accidents, the cause of accidents, and the outcome (injury or fatality). However, the risk is higher for those between 18-34 years old and to a lesser extent the over-75s. German researchers hypothesize that young people may take more risks while riding and use the pedal assist to ride faster than regular cyclists.

    Incidentally, Germany also struggles with incomplete accident figures. The police only register injury crashes and hardly any single-vehicle crashes. Therefore, a research gap is present and further analysis must be considered once data is available.

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