Tag Archive: EU Transport

  1. European Environment Agency shares post-COVID greenhouse gas emissions data from transport in Europe

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    Source: The European Environment Agency

    The EEA has reported that after six years of the EU transport sector experiencing a steady growth in greenhouse gas emissions, in 2020 its rates had decreased substantially because of reduced activity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Preliminary estimates of 2021 emissions indicate an 8.6% increase in transport, followed by a growth of 2.7% in 2022. National predictions compiled by the European Environment Agency suggest that, even with measures planned in each of the Member States, emissions from domestic transport will not drop below their 1990 level until 2032. International transport emissions from the aviation and maritime sectors are projected to continue increasing.

    The EU’s domestic GHG transport emissions increased from 2013 until the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, largely due to passenger transport growth and inland freight volumes. Between 2019 and 2020, transport emissions went down by 13.5% and recovered from the pandemic effects in 2021 with a growth of 8.6%. In 2022, preliminary estimates indicate these emissions continued their upward trend by 2.7%.

    According to their national projections, Member States predict these transport emissions will increase in the following years. As no additional measures have been taken, emissions are expected to grow in 2024. There are transport-related measures currently planned, but not yet implemented by Member States; they are projected to reverse this growth after emissions peak this year.

    Looking ahead to 2030, current policies and measures would reduce GHG transport emissions to a rate of 4% above 1990 levels. With extra measures, EEA believes that 2030 transport emissions can go down to 5% below 1990 levels. The majority of planned measures and policies for the transport sector focus on promoting low-carbon fuels or electric cars, as well as driving a modal shift to public transport usage.

    In addition to domestic transport, international aviation and international maritime industries also add to transport-related emissions. In terms of categories within domestic transportation, navigation, aviation and railway emissions have all decreased since 1990 and are predicted to stay relatively stable in coming years.

    Road travel accounts for the highest amount of overall transport emissions – emitting 76% of the EU’s transport GHG emissions (including domestic transport and international bunkers) in 2021. The majority of existing and planned measures in the Member States focus on road transport, so EEA predicts that this percentage will decrease because road transport decarbonises faster than other modes of transport. The largest emission increases until 2030 are forecasted to be from the aviation sector, followed by international maritime transport, as they have not been prioritised by national policies.

    The aviation industry was massively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, with its international emissions being 58% lower in 2020 than in 2019. EEA has reported this emissions decrease as temporary, as air traffic grew by 24% in 2021 and increased further in 2022, with a rise of 48%. Flight numbers are expected to bounce back to 2019 levels by 2025 at the earliest.

  2. EU transport emissions continue to rise; Luxembourg, Austria, and Slovenia are largest contributors

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    Source: Mayor.eu, D. Balgaranov

    The latest European Environment Agency (EEA) report shows transport emissions have risen by 24% in the past 30 years.

    One very crucial takeaway from the EEA analysis is that, although carbon emissions from most sectors have fallen significantly between 1990-2020, they have increased in the transport sector. Additionally, the Austrian Automotive Club (Verkehrsklubs Österreich) published a complimentary analysis of transport emissions per capita per country based on the EEA data for 2020.

    According to the analysis, Luxembourg has the highest emissions per capita from transport at 7,355 kilograms of CO2 per capita. Next comes Austria with a considerably smaller 2,300 kilograms, and Slovenia with 2,180 kilograms. For comparison, the EU 27 average sat at 1,545 kilograms.

    Why Luxembourg?

    Data from Eurostat in 2019 placed Luxembourg as the country with the highest rate of car ownership (681 cars per 1,000 people). While this statistic could be argued to explain the country’s CO2 transport emissions, it loses significance when compared to Italy which has approximately 666 cars per 1,000 people, but places 22nd of the 27 European countries for transport-related CO2 emissions.

    The Luxembourg emission scenario becomes stranger still when considering the country’s free public transport policy, including cross-border travel. Transport specialists across Europe will be watching the country with interest in the coming years to see if it is able to successfully curb emissions.

    The EU 27 by emissions from transport, from the Austrian Automotive Club research:

    1. Luxembourg: 7,355 kilograms of CO2 per capita;
    2. Austria: 2,300 kilograms;
    3. Slovenia: 2,180 kilograms;
    4. Lithuania: 2,110 kilograms;
    5. Ireland: 1,930 kilograms;
    6. Denmark: 1,930 kilograms;
    7. Belgium: 1,795 kilograms;
    8. Finland: 1,785 kilograms;
    9. Germany: 1,720 kilograms;
    10. Estonia: 1,655 kilograms;
    11. Poland: 1,645 kilograms;
    12. Czech Republic: 1,625 kilograms;
    13. Latvia: 1,595 kilograms;
    14. Cyprus: 1,565 kilograms;
    15. France: 1,550 kilograms;
    16. Spain: 1,480 kilograms;
    17. Netherlands: 1,455 kilograms;
    18. Croatia: 1,435 kilograms;
    19. Portugal: 1,390 kilograms;
    20. Sweden: 1,355 kilograms;
    21. Bulgaria: 1,335 kilograms;
    22. Italy: 1,330 kilograms;
    23. Hungary: 1,270 kilograms;
    24. Greece: 1,255 kilograms;
    25. Slovakia: 1,250 kilograms;
    26. Malta: 970 Kilograms;
    27. Romania: 925 kilograms.
  3. EU CO² transport emissions on the rise again

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    Source EEA – According to provisional data published by the European Environment Agency (EEA), the average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from new passenger cars registered in the European Union (EU) in 2018 increased for the second consecutive year, reaching 120.4 grammes of CO2 per kilometre. For the first time, the average CO2 emissions from new vans also increased. Manufacturers will have to reduce emissions of their fleet significantly to meet the upcoming 2020 and 2021 targets.

    The EEA has published the provisional data for the average CO2 emissions from new passenger cars and vans registered in the EU and in Iceland in 2018.

    After a steady decline from 2010 to 2016, by almost 22 grammes of CO2 per kilometre (g CO2/km), average emissions from new passenger cars increased in 2017 by 0.4 g CO2/km. According the provisional data, the upward trend continued with an additional increase of 2.0 g CO2/km in 2018.

    Vans registered in the EU and Iceland in 2018 emitted on average 158.1 g CO2/km, which is 2.0 grams more than in 2017. This is the first increase in average CO2 emissions from new vans since the regulation came into force in 2011, following a sharp decrease in 2017.

    The main factors contributing to the increase of new passenger cars’ emissions in 2018 include the growing share of petrol cars in new registrations, in particular in the sport utility vehicle (SUV) segment. Moreover, the market penetration of zero- and low-emission vehicles, including electric cars, remained slow in 2018. With the 2021 target of 95 g CO2/km approaching, much faster deployment of cars with low emissions is needed across Europe.

    Many factors affected the increase in CO2 emissions from new vans in 2018, including an increase in the mass, engine capacity and size of the vehicles. The market share of petrol vehicles also increased, constituting 3.6 % of the new vans fleet (2.4 % in 2017). The share of zero- and low-emission vans remained at the same level (1.7 %) as in 2017. Further efficiency improvements are needed to reach the EU target of 147 g CO2/km set for 2020.

    Further details: https://bit.ly/31RBXsg

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