Tag Archive: electric motorcycles

  1. European Commission launches research into braking systems for L3e-A1

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    Motorcycles in sub-categories L3e-A2 and A3 are required to be fitted with an anti-lock braking system. Motorcycles in sub-category L3e-A1 (maximum continuous rated or net power ≤ 11 kW and power/weight ratio ≤ 0,1 kW/kg) may be equipped with either an anti-lock braking system or a combined braking system or both at the discretion of the manufacturer.

    However, the European Commission must submit a report to the European Parliament and the Council in which the mandatory fitting of an anti-lock braking system and an optional combined braking system to motorcycles in sub-category L3-A1 is to be examined. The Commission has now assigned Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) with a study, which is meant to support the Commission in the preparation of that report.

    The study is aimed at determining the relative effectiveness of anti-lock braking systems (ABS) compared to supplemental combined braking systems (CBS) in reducing the frequency and severity of collisions involving motorcycles in sub-category L3e-A1. Also, it should determine the cost-benefit relationship for the fitment of ABS and CBS, to motorcycles in L3e-A1, for society and motorcycle users. Based on the study, TRL is expected to propose possible amendments to Regulations and guidelines necessary to implement any change into law.

    Manufacturers of electric L3e-A1 motorcycles who wish to obtain further details on the TRL study and the European Commission’s report or who wish to have an input into this research are invited to contact Annick Roetynck, LEVA-EU Manager, tel. +32 9 233 60 05, email annick@leva-eu.com.

  2. EU registrations of electric motorcycles, mopeds and quadricycles up by 70%

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    Source: ACEM – EU combined registrations of electric mopeds, motorcycles and quadricycles reached 35,810 units during the first six months of 2019. This represents a substantial increase of 70,0% compared to the registration levels of the first half of 2018 (21,062 units). Most of the electric L-category vehicles registered in the first six months of 2019 are mopeds (28,577 units), followed by motorcycles (5,812 units) and a much smaller number of quadricycles (about 1,421 units).

    The largest European markets in terms of volume were France, where combined registrations of mopeds, motorcycles and quadricycles totalled (8,723 units, +60,6% on a year-on-year basis), followed by Belgium (8,087 vehicles, +111,0%), the Netherlands (6,321 vehicles, +62,1%), Spain (4,052 vehicles, +35,8%) and Italy (2,426 vehicles, +86,2%).

    It should be noted that the category of electric mopeds also includes speed-pedelecs, i.e. electric bicycles with pedal assistance up to 45 km/h.

  3. Registrations of electric L-category vehicles in the EU up by 49%

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    Combined registrations of electric mopeds, motorcycles and quadricycles reached 36,270 units during the first nine months of 2018. This represents a substantial increase of 52.8% compared to the registration levels of the same period of 2017 (23,722 units).

    Most of the electric L-category vehicles registered in 2018 are mopeds (26,210 units), followed by motorcycles (7,652 units) and a much smaller number of quadricycles (about 2,408 units).


  4. electricmotorcycle.news

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    Electric Motorcycles News is a new informational website about electric motorcycles. It’s a Belgian non-commercial initiative to present a realistic overview of existing electric motorcycles today and some future projects.

    “I was fascinated to discover so many exciting projects when I started preparing the website,” says Guy Salens, coordinator. “There are so many opportunities for investors, engineers and designers. As well as initiatives from existing brands, there are also new companies entering the market. We need to encourage this diversity.”

    Electric Motorcycles News aims to become the industry’s e-community, packed with information, news, hints and tips about electric motorcycles. And, while the website relies on press releases today, the plan is to establish an e-test team.

    The e-community will be launched shortly on their dedicated website. Readers and followers will be able to sign up, create profiles, publish posts, share pictures and videos, like and comment on content in their stream and interact with other members.

    The website will also feature a wall of fame, highlighting the electric motorcycle industry’s ambassadors. Who knows, maybe this is the start of a future e-award.

    Unfortunately, many bikers have yet to be convinced about how much fun electric motorcycles can be. Reasons for this include not roaring, smelling or shaking like the bikes they’re used to, the lack of range or the weird appearance of some bikes. But electric motorcycles can be thrilling, fast and liberating. That’s why the website includes a video page showcasing all kinds of bikes, from off-road to superbikes.


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