Tag Archive: ebike

  1. Company leasing providers have almost quintupled their sales since 2019

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    Company bike leasing has emerged as a significant growth driver for the bicycle sector, according to a study by Deloitte’s Sport Business Group in partnership with the industry association Zukunft Fahrrad. From 2019 to 2023, the total revenue of company bike leasing providers surged from 0.7 billion to 3.2 billion euros, nearly quintupling. This reflects an average annual growth rate of 46 percent.

    Source: RadMarkt

    The study, “The German Company Bike Leasing Market,” surveyed the largest providers using a standardized questionnaire. These companies represent approximately three-quarters of the market. The collected data was then extrapolated to estimate the overall market size based on dealer information.

    The survey revealed that the fleet size of bicycles and e-bikes leased through employers has grown by an average of 45 percent annually since 2019, expanding from 400,000 bikes in 2019 to 1.9 million by the end of 2023. This marks nearly a fivefold increase over five years, with 23,000 bikes newly leased in 2019 and 790,000 in 2023.

    Leasing strengthens brick-and-mortar retail

    Kim Lachmann, Director and bicycle market expert at Deloitte stated “Company bike leasing has now become one of the most relevant market drivers in the bicycle market – especially in the past year, which has been challenging for the industry. High bicycle stocks and a simultaneous slight decline in customer demand due to inflation posed problems for many market participants. However, we continued to see stable growth in company bike leasing – both in terms of volume and price. It is also clear that it is strengthening brick-and-mortar retail in particular. Almost 90 percent of users buy their bikes there.”

    Leased bikes tend to be higher-priced, with about 80 percent being e-bikes and an average price of 3,500 euros in 2023—almost 1,700 euros more than the average price of bikes purchased in the overall market. According to the study’s authors, this price difference is a significant factor in the observed strong sales growth in the bicycle market.

    The study also found that around 37 percent of employees in Germany now have access to company bike leasing. The number of employees eligible for company bike leasing contracts through their employers grew from 5.3 million in 2019 to 16.8 million in 2023.

    Untapped potential

    The company bike leasing sector has grown immensely in recent years, but the potential is far from being exhausted. On average, around 90 percent of employees at participating employers are not yet leasing. In addition, the number of participating companies is increasing continuously – by an average of 46 percent annually since 2019. Company bike leasing is perceived by employees as an attractive offer,” says Kim Lachmann.

    In 2023, around 204,000 employers offered their employees the opportunity to lease company bikes, up from around 45,000 in 2019.

    Wasilis von Rauch, Managing Director of Zukunft Fahrrad, emphasized the market’s resilience, describing company bike leasing as a billion-dollar market that benefits both employees and companies through health and climate protection advantages. He noted that approximately two-thirds of commuters have a journey suitable for bicycles or e-bikes, often faster and more enjoyable than other modes of transport. Rauch urged policymakers to support this trend by creating conducive framework conditions.

  2. E-bike ownership in Germany reaches record high

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    Source: SAZ Bike

    The energy supplier Eon has conducted a survey on the rising popularity of e-bikes. According to their findings, nearly a quarter of the population now owns an e-bike, with a notable increase among younger individuals.

    Electric bike popularity is hitting new heights. Currently, one in four people in Germany owns an electric bike, the highest since our first survey in 2020,” states Jens Michael Peters, Managing Director of Energy Solutions at Eon Energie Deutschland.

    The survey reveals that 24.7 percent of Germans own an electric bicycle, up from 23.3 percent in 2023 and 15.2 percent in 2020. E-bike ownership has grown significantly among 18- to 29-year-olds, rising from 13.8 percent in 2023 to 17.5 percent. The highest ownership rates are among people aged 50 to 64 (27.4 percent) and those over 65 (27.7 percent).

    Regional differences

    When looking at the federal states, Lower Saxony leads with 32.6 percent of residents owning an e-bike, followed by Baden-Württemberg (27.4 percent), Bavaria (26.4 percent), Schleswig-Holstein (26.2 percent), and North Rhine-Westphalia (26 percent). Emsland and Bentheim counties top the list nationwide, with 47.3 percent ownership each, followed by Leer (42.6 percent), Wittmund (41.8 percent), and Aurich (41 percent). Eon provides a detailed visualization of these regional results.

    Sustainabilities role in purchasing and charging

    Around 40.7 percent of e-bike owners use green electricity for charging, and 28.8 percent of potential buyers are considering switching to a green electricity tariff. Additionally, 21.5 percent of e-bike owners chose their bikes for sustainability reasons, like reduced emissions compared to cars. Among e-bike models, city e-bikes are the most popular (37.3 percent), followed by trekking e-bikes (26.4 percent) and e-mountain bikes (15.9 percent).

    A popular means of transport for holidays and commuting

    E-bikes are also popular for holidays and commuting. In the past year, 12.5 percent of Germans used an e-bike while on holiday, with nine percent using their own and 3.5 percent renting locally. Looking ahead, 36.3 percent are considering using an e-bike on their next holiday, especially among 18- to 29-year-olds (46.1 percent). Additionally, 25 percent of Germans are contemplating a multi-day e-bike trip.

    For commuting, 6.8 percent of employed individuals regularly use e-bikes, and 34.5 percent are interested in leasing a company bike to save on purchase costs. Already, 13.2 percent of employed 18- to 29-year-olds use an employer-provided e-bike option.

  3. Over half of Dutch people ride an e-bike, survey shows

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    Source: Nieuwsfiets

    Recent study reveals that 54% of Dutch people ride an electric bicycle

    Various insights into the behaviour and attitudes of Dutch cyclists are available in the results of research commissioned by Netherlands-based e-bike refurbishers Upway.

    The online survey, conducted by research agency iVOX between May 8 and May 17, 2024, gathered answers to a range of questions from 2,000 Dutch people on a variety of cycling-related topics. A number of insights can be gleaned from the results:

    Age: 61% of people over the age of 55 choose an e-bike, while for those under 35 the figure is 51%.

    Ownership and frequency: 54% of Dutch people currently use an e-bike, with 39% doing so at least weekly.

    Stated preferences for e-bikes: 32% of respondents cite ease of use; 20% answered ‘Because it gets me to my destination faster’; 25% answered ‘because I can cover greater distances with it’.

    Cargo bike usage: Of those surveyed, 7% rode an electric cargo bike, and 4% rode a non-electric version. Riders of electric cargo bikes cited two notable reasons for their use: 22% said ‘Because it is economically more advantageous than a car’, while 19% said ‘Because it is so easy to use’.

    Cycling infrastructure: Overall, the respondents are generally positive towards the cycling-friendliness and layout of roads in their area, with 77% reporting a positive opinion, though cargo bike users are a little more critical with 61% having a positive opinion.

    Feelings of safety: 94% of e-bike riders reported feeling safer than average in traffic, while 57% of these said they feel safer on an electric bike than on a traditional bike. In contrast, 80% of traditional-cycle riders felt safest on a non-electric bike.

    Risk-taking behaviour: Only 10% of Dutch people say they always wear a helmet when cycling. 36% of e-bike riders ignore a red light – more often than non-electric bike riders. Dangerous situations involving electric bicycle users involve excessive speed (31%), inattention (15%) or lack of control (13%), while tradtional bike riders sometimes create dangerous situations by violating traffic rules (21%), inattention (28%) or cycling where it is not allowed (11%).

  4. Electronics reach almost 20% of bicycle material share

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    Source: SAZ Bike

    The prevalence of electronic components in bicycle weight has surged significantly, a trend previously lacking concrete data. In a recent analysis, Ernst Brust reveals this proportion to be nearly 19%.

    Ernst Brust, the founder of Velotech.de, has extensively analysed bicycle material usage spanning the last five decades. Particularly notable is the stark rise in electronics utilization by nearly 20% since 1970. Historically, bicycle construction predominantly relied on traditional materials like steel and aluminium for frames and components, with electronics playing a marginal role.

    However, the contemporary landscape of material composition in 2024 depicts a marked shift towards a greater inclusion of electronic elements. Present-day bicycles boast an array of electronic features, underscoring technological advancements and their integration into modern bike design, as noted by Brust. Commenting on this evolution, the technology expert asserts, “The development of material usage in bicycle construction from 1970 to 2024 illustrates the change and the increasing importance of electronics in the modern bicycle. These changes contribute to making bicycles more efficient, safer, and more comfortable.”

  5. E-bike incentives proven to reduce car travel and carbon emissions

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    Source: The University of British Columbia

    Study finds that rebate programmes are worth the investment due to significant environmental impact.

    Electric bicycle rebates have surged in popularity across North America as urban planners aim to steer individuals away from cars towards healthier, environmentally friendly alternatives. However, there is limited understanding of the full impact of these incentives.

    Insights from the Research on Active Transportation (REACT) Lab at the University of British Columbia (UBC) shed light on questions including whether these new cycling habits are sustainable, who benefits the most from incentives, and whether they are worth the cost. The study surveyed participants in an e-bike incentive program in Saanich, B.C., researchers discovered that the majority of new e-bike users sustained their biking habits as a substitute for car travel even a year post-purchase. Particularly, households with lower incomes exhibited the most significant reductions in car trips and carbon emissions, indicating that incentives effectively contribute to emission reduction.

    Reduced car travel

    The Saanich program, available from 2021 to 2022, offered varying rebates to offset e-bike costs. The rebate varied depending on household income, with the highest rebate reaching $1,600 for low-income households, and the lowest rebate amounting to $350. The results showcased a substantial uptake in e-bike adoption, with 93% of users being new to e-bikes and 60% entirely new to cycling.

    A year after the purchase, users remained content with their e-bikes, integrating them into their routines for 3-4 days each week. On average, they reduced weekly car travel by 48 kilometers, marking a 30-40% reduction.

    Principal investigator Dr. Alex Bigazzi, an associate professor of civil engineering at UBC leading REACT, emphasized “the enduring influence of incentives, especially among lower-income groups”The incentive not only encouraged people to switch to e-bikes, it also resulted in remarkable changes in travel behaviour that persisted long after the purchase,“.

    Notably, low income groups were most affected by incentives. 8 out of 10 would not have purchased an e-bike without the $1,600 incentive, compared to just 2 out of 10 of the $350 incentive group.

    Lower carbon emissions

    Reduced car usage translated into a notable decrease in travel-related greenhouse gas emissions, with users cutting down emissions by 16 kilograms of CO2 per week on average, one year after buying their e-bikes. Particularly, those benefiting from larger incentives displayed the most substantial reductions in car use and carbon emissions.

    The larger incentives aimed at lower-income families did a great job getting new riders in the saddle and gave them a lower-cost alternative to using their cars,” Dr. Bigazzi said.

    Greater cost-effectiveness compared to EV rebates

    Contrary to popular criticism regarding their cost-effectiveness relative to climate benefits, the Saanich program proved competitive with other transportation subsidies in Canada, costing approximately $190 to $720 per tonne of greenhouse gas emissions reduced. Dr. Bigazzi emphasized the superiority of e-bike incentives over electric vehicle rebates in emission reduction, underscoring additional benefits such as increased physical activity and reduced travel costs.

    The REACT Lab, in collaboration with the Province of B.C. and other researchers, is expanding its study to encompass the provincewide e-bike incentive program. This broader investigation will encompass factors such as climate variability, terrain, and cycling infrastructure, providing a more comprehensive understanding of their impacts.

  6. E-bikes are gaining ground in commuting in South Limburg

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    Source: Fietsberaad Crow

    An annual measurement by Zuid Limburg Bereikbaar shows an increase in the number of people using e-bikes and speed pedelecs for commuting between 2022 and 2023.

    The Clustered Effect Measurement 2023 asked more than 8,000 respondents, employed at Zuid-Limburg Bereikbaar (ZLB) and participants in the ZLB panel, about their commuting and work from home habits.

    The results showed that in 2023, almost 30% of commuting trips in South Limburg were made by bicycle, e-bike, or speed pedelec. The percentage of trips commuted by bicycle was higher for those working at ZLB than the general population for the region. Maastricht has the largest share of the modal split for bikes and e-bikes. The share of commuting bike rides from Maastricht as a place of residency is 60% and 37% as a work area.

    The share of e-bikes and speed pedelecs in the modal split for commuting has increased from 9% to 14% between 2022 to 2023. These changes indicate a clear switch from car to electric bike for people’s commutes. In 2023 trips up to 15km were made more often by e-bike and less often by car, however there is still potential to increase cycling for this distance. One of the recommendations is to continue the #posifiets campaign, as this appears to have made a significant contribution to reducing the number of car journeys.

  7. Congress in rare agreement on e-bike battery bill pushed by NY representatives

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    Source: The City

    Legislation to fast-track standards for manufacturing lithium-ion batteries has unanimous, bipartisan support. But standards that will have the power to change the industry are still months if not years away

    To address the hazards posed by poorly manufactured batteries in e-bikes and e-scooters, New York City officials have implemented measures to curb the rising incidents of fires and injuries caused by these devices.

    Within the first three weeks of 2024, there were nine fires linked to these batteries, resulting in eight injuries. FDNY reported that since 2019, injuries related to battery fires have surged by 1,053%, reaching 150 cases in 2023. Last year, 18 people died in battery-related fires, up from 6 deaths the year before.

    To counter this alarming trend, officials have passed local legislation to prohibit the possession or sale of refurbished lithium-ion batteries. A City Council committee hearing is scheduled to discuss additional e-bike safety measures, and Governor Kathy Hochul plans to propose a bill banning their sale. Public housing leaders in the city have also moved to limit the number of e-bikes per household. Despite these efforts, safety experts argue that true mitigation requires regulation at the manufacturing source.

    Achieving this goal necessitates federal legislation, a challenging prospect given the divided and unproductive state of Congress. Surprisingly, there is bipartisan support for regulating the batteries, as evidenced by a pending bill in Congress. This legislation aims to empower the Consumer Product Safety Commission to establish federal standards for the safe construction and import of these batteries.

    New York Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, along with Representative Ritchie Torres, have been advocating for such legislation since last year. Without this authorization, the Consumer Product Safety Commission lacks the regulatory authority to impose mandatory standards. The absence of mandatory standards allows manufacturers to adhere to safety measures voluntarily, leading to an influx of poorly made products and subsequent battery malfunctions, explosions, and fires.

    The bill has garnered significant support during its progression through the House of Representatives, receiving unanimous approval in both a subcommittee and the Energy and Commerce Committee. Though viewed as a positive development by consumer product safety experts, the journey ahead involves Senate consideration and, if successful, a significant delay before the mandatory standards take effect, potentially extending to at least another year.

    Despite the extended timeline, consumer product safety experts view this legislation as a crucial step. However, the process involves Senate deliberations and, as of now, there is no immediate information on its status. Regardless of the legislative outcome, the implementation of mandatory standards would represent a pivotal move to address the widespread issue of e-bike and e-scooter battery fires and associated risks.

  8. UK government publishes new guidance to enhance e-bike and e-scooter safety

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    Source: GOV.UK

    Guidance includes information on how to safely buy, store and charge e-cycles and e-scooters.

    Information around how to safely purchase, charge and use e-bikes and e-scooters has been published by the UK government to improve consumer safety.

    After thorough consultation with the industry, guidance on battery safety has been developed for both e-scooters and e-bikes, which aims to enhance awareness among owners regarding the safe purchase of e-cycles or e-scooters, ensuring compliance with manufacturing requirements, and promoting transactions with reputable sellers. The documents cover information on secure storage and charging, the warning signs for fire risk and how to address them, and responsible battery disposal. The guidance also emphasises that legal use of e-scooters on roads is restricted unless they are part of an official rental trial.

    Separate guidance has been issued to assist public transport operators in evaluating and managing fire risks associated with the transportation of e-bikes and e-scooters on trains and buses. Similar information has been produced for those managing premises such as schools and workplaces.

    Minister Anthony Browne, responsible for Technology and Decarbonisation, affirmed that “Safety has always been our top priority, which is why our latest guidance aims to improve the awareness of e-bike and e-scooter users in the trial areas where they’re authorised.”

    This announcement follows the Home Office’s advice on fire safety for e-scooters and e-bikes published last year. To further understand the safety of lithium-ion batteries used in e-cycles and e-scooters, the Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) is presently conducting a safety study and taking enforcement measures when unsafe products are found.

    The extension of e-scooter trials until May 2026 will facilitate further insights across various areas, including usage, safety and environmental impacts, and the exploration of travel behaviour changes since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  9. AureusDrive announces new partner plus service discount for end users

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    Swiss e-bike manufacturer and retailer, AureusDrive has announced a new store partnership and servicing offer for consumers in select locations.

    New partner

    The brand has stated its new partner Velo-center is based in Biel, Switzerland, and is offering in-store test rides and servicing.

    Available e-bike models for testing are:

    • Power45 in White, Size M
    • Comfort 25 in Black, Size S

    Interested riders can book a test ride with this link.

    E-bike servicing discount

    AureusDrive is also offering a 15% discount on e-bike servicing in its Lucerne and Lausanne stores, where its team will be on hand to inspect and help customers prepare their rides for the winter season.

    Riders can take advantage of this special offer until December 15th by scheduling an appointment through AureusDrive’s website.

    Name selection for upcoming electric bike model

    More exciting news to come out from the company is its request for users to vote on a name for the successor of its Classic/Comfort models online. The new e-bike will be a successor of the Classic and Comfort e-bikes, with customers being able to select whether they’d like a high top tube, or no top tube with their electric ride.

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