Tag Archive: E-SCOOTERS

  1. European city study finds that more flexible regulations increase e-scooter popularity

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    Deloitte has conducted a survey of 155 cities across the continent and found that the cities with the most flexible regulations for electric scooters resulted in more affordable pricing and a higher uptake level among customers.

    Source: Zag Daily, B. Hubbard

    Deloitte’s findings report that in cities with higher regulations that involve public tenders, users are found to pay roughly 19% more per ride.

    Since e-scooters were first launched in the mid-2010s, there has been a wide range of regulatory models that have been applied in various European cities however since then there has been a lack of research that examines the results and impacts of each model.

    Deloitte divided the regulatory models of various cities into three categories:

    Light regulation refers to open markets, meaning that e-scooter services don’t have to comply with regulatory restrictions, resulting in no restrictions for vehicle fleet sizes and an unlimited amount of e-scooter operators being allowed to enter the city market and offer their services freely.

    Medium Regulation means that e-scooter operators must obtain a permit from authorities to operate in the city. In this type of model, operators may have to comply with specific operational requirements such as redistributing vehicles that have been poorly parked within a set time and they may have to pay fees to the city.

    High Regulation refers to the involvement of tenders, which is when cities invite e-scooter operators to enter competitive proposals, which detail their planned offering on fleet size, pricing and fee structures, service quality, sustainability measures, and operational plans.

    Stijn Vandeweyer, ITRG sector leader at Deloitte Belgium, said: “There has recently been a trend among European cities toward stricter e-scooter regulations due to a perception among policymakers that the more stringent regulatory models enable better monitoring and management of shared e-scooter services in their cities, thereby improving the quality of the services for their citizens. However, the research for this report has shown that Light Regulation models (especially MoUs) and Medium Regulation models can both provide cities with the degree of control needed to ensure quality and responsiveness to the needs of their citizens.”


    Deloitte have found that more European cities have changed their regulatory approach in adopting stricter e-scooter regulations rather than making them more flexible.

    Cities with lighter or medium regulations including Vilnius, Dusseldorf and Lisbon had a higher take-up of e-scooters, due to there being more competition between e-scooter operators, resulting in more affordable prices and therefore a higher usage rates from customers.

    Deloitte has also suggested five recommendations for optimising micromobility in cities, including the suggestion that at least four e-scooter companies should operate in each European city to enable competition for lower consumer pricing, so that more citizens are able to take up this sustainable form of mobility.

  2. Ireland legalizes e-scooters

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    E-scooters can be legally used on Irish roads since 20 May 2024. The Road Traffic and Roads Act 2023 created a new vehicle class called powered personal transporters.

    You do not need a licence to ride one and your e-scooter does not need to be registered, taxed or insured. You must be 16 or over to use an e-scooter. An e-scooter must have a CE mark and the retailer must give you a declaration of conformity when you buy it.

    Technical requirements

    In Ireland, e-scooters must:

    • Weigh a maximum of 25 kilograms (including batteries)
    • Travel at speeds of 20 km/h or less
    • Have an electric motor with a maximum power output of 400 watts or less
    • Have wheels of at least 200mm diameter
    • Have front and rear lights (switched on during lighting-up hours and darkness), reflectors, front and rear brakes, and a bell
    • Have a manufacturer’s plate showing the power output, weight, and design speed
    • Be in roadworthy condition

    Rules on using e-scooters

    Where you can use an e-scooter

    • E-scooters can be used on local, regional, and national roads. They cannot be used on motorways.
    • You can use cycle and bus lanes.
    • You must drive on the left.
    • You must not use an e-scooter on footpaths, pedestrianised areas or on motorways.
    • E-scooters are not allowed on State provided public transport, Luas, rail, or bus services (due to concerns with lithium batteries).

    Rules of the road

    • Follow the rules of the road, especially for traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, and zebra crossings.
    • You must follow signals given by a Garda or school warden.
    • Gardaí can confiscate e-scooters ridden by people under 16.
    • Only one person can ride an e-scooter at a time.
    • E-scooters are not designed for carrying goods or passengers.
    • You must not park an e-scooter in no-parking zones like loading bays, accessible parking and charging bays.
    • You must not use your mobile phone while driving an e-scooter.

    You do not need:

    • A vehicle registration plate
    • Motor tax
    • A driving licence
    • Compulsory insurance
  3. E-scooter trial may support Sydney T3 line replacement plan

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    Source: The Guardian

    Transport minister ‘not going to sugarcoat’ disruption to 60,000 people to last until 2025

    During the closure of one of Sydney’s major train lines, thousands of commuters in the area face the prospect of more than doubling their daily journey times, even if the government succeeds in recruiting 160 replacement bus drivers within the next two months.

    As the T3 line undergoes a 12 to 14-month shutdown for conversion into a driverless metro line, Transport for New South Wales has unveiled its plan to accommodate up to 60,000 daily commuters affected by the closure, trialling e-scooters as an alternative mode of transportation.

    The transport minister, Jo Haylen, acknowledged the shutdown would be an “inconvenient and difficult period for commuters in this part of Sydney. We’re not going to sugarcoat this – communities along the T3 lines are going to have a tough time, but there will be services available for them”.

    The Inner West Council is deliberating on approving the government’s request to host Sydney’s second e-scooter trial during the T3 shutdown. However, concerns were raised regarding resident safety, with the initial 10 linked stations proposed by TfNSW suggested to be cut to just 3 by council staff.

    The current trains on the T3 line accommodate over 1,000 commuters during peak hours. While the metro line’s completion in 2025 promises trains running every four minutes during peak times, interim measures include “high-frequency” replacement bus services with three dedicated routes through Sydney’s inner west and southwest.

    According to TfNSW’s latest projections, the replacement bus service between Sydenham and Bankstown is expected to take 58 minutes during evening peak hours, compared to the 24 minutes by train.

    Despite the effort to recruit additional bus drivers, there remains a chronic shortage of drivers across Sydney. Transit Systems, the private bus operator hired for the replacement services, Transit Systems, has made progress in recruitment but faces challenges due to the existing shortage.

    While Transport Minister Haylen expresses confidence in meeting the driver shortfall, concerns persist within the Rail, Tram and Bus Union regarding the feasibility of finding enough drivers. The opposition transport spokesperson, Natalie Ward, criticizes the government’s planning for the conversion project, citing increased driver vacancies and delays in implementation.

  4. Eflow officially launches company LinkedIn page

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    German shared mobility manufacturer extends its presence on B2B social platform

    Eflow aspires to improve the future of urban mobility with its extensive fleet expertise and high quality bicycles that can be modified to meet customer requirements.

    Its state-of-the-art bicycles, e-bikes and electric scooters offer a versatile, sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to conventional private transport, by working closely with companies, cities & municipalities to develop shared mobility solutions.

    The Eflow team has been fully committed to developing modern electromobility for over 10 years, and its products blend the knowledge, experience & passion from numerous experts including CEO, Bernd Adamski, who is a highly reputable figure in the bike industry, pro-triathlete Anja Ippach knows what matters to riders when they’re in the saddle and bicycle designer Norbert Haller is one of the most renowned in his field.

    Eflow invites mobility enthusiasts to follow its LinkedIn page to learn more about its exciting projects, latest developments and vision for the future of mobility.

    Eflow CEO, Bernd Adamski:

  5. Why private e-scooters may pose a greater risk than rental models

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    Source: Chalmers

    A recent study published in the Journal of Safety Research reveals that privately owned, lighter e-scooters compare poorly to the larger versions designed for rental schemes.

    E-scooters can vary significantly in key aspects such as steering and braking capabilities, wheel size, engine, and suspension systems, all of which can have harmful implications in the event of a crash. 

    One of the authors of the study is Marco Dozza, Professor in Active Safety and Road-user Behaviour at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg. “Individuals look for economical and transportable products, favouring light and foldable e-scooters that unfortunately also have the issues mentioned above.”

    E-scooters available in city rental schemes often feature larger wheels, superior steering and braking capabilities, and better suspension systems, than e-scooters available for private purchase, which tend to be smaller and less reliable in crash avoidance.

    In the study, Marco Dozza and his colleagues at Chalmers compared a large e-scooter, a light e-scooter, and a bicycle (both in power-assisted and non-power-assisted modes) in field trials to determine any variations in manoevrability constraints when avoiding a rear-end collision by braking and/or steering.

    The results showed that braking performance does vary between the different vehicles. Specifically, e-scooters are not as effective at braking as bicycles, but the large, rental-type e-scooter demonstrated better braking performance than the light e-scooter. Regarding steering performance, no statistically significant difference was observed. The bicycles were perceived as more stable, manoeuvrable, and safe than the e-scooters.

    Influence of previous experience

    An individual’s previous experience in riding a bicycle can be assumed to have some influence on a rider’s ability to handle a critical situation when riding an e-scooter. There is the potential for a false sense of ability and confidence driving a seemingly similar vehicle.

    “The results from the study suggest that new micromobility vehicles necessitate ad-hoc training to be safe. The fact they resemble a familiar and possibly overtrained vehicle – the bike – may trick us to believe that we know how to master them but that is not necessarily the case,” says Marco Dozza. 

    Because we can transfer our balance skills directly from a bicycle to an e-scooter, there can be an initial sense that it is easy to ride an e-scooter. However, when faced with an emergency and need to brake, the expectations we have from our previous experiences of cycling do not match – we may overestimate the braking ability of the e-scooter, with clear hazardous implications.

    “One third of all e-scooters crashes happen on the first ride. Our results suggest that an expectation mismatch on manoeuvring performance would explain this puzzling finding that has been confirmed in multiple studies.”

    Vehicle weight and steering

    The study authors note that the heavier rental e-scooters could, in the event of a collision, pose more of a hazard. Furthermore, they advised that riders should familiarise themselves with alternative collision-avoidance strategies to braking.

    Marco Dozza states: “In general, when vehicles are heavier, collisions are more severe. While larger e-scooters proved to brake better, any time they collide they may cause more damage than lighter vehicles. Further, harsh braking on low-friction surfaces, like ice or wet leaves, may also destabilise a vehicle. In our trials, the tarmac was dry and smooth so we do not know if larger e-scooters would perform well in wet or icy conditions as well.”

    “If there is space for moving aside, and braking is not enough to stop in time, steering is a better alternative. Because small e-scooters suffer from longer braking distances than bikes and larger e-scooters, the situations in which steering is a better alternative than braking are more common. Unfortunately, our study shows that participants are less comfortable steering away to avoid a collision when riding an e-scooter than when riding a bicycle.”

    Marco Dozza shared crucial advice for riders new to e-scooters: “Practice braking and steering avoidance maneuvers in an empty space. Do not wait for a critical situation to happen before testing how the vehicle can brake or steer. The simplest exercise is to imagine a line on the road and try to brake as late and as close as possible to the line. Most people will overshoot, and many may be surprised by how much. Repeating this exercise a few times may already be enough to make a difference.”

  6. MD of Deutschen Städtetages speaks on e-scooter liability

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    Source: Deutscher Stadtetag

    Helmut Dedy, Managing Director of the German Association of Cities, told the German Press Agency, “If e-scooters are misused or improperly parked, leading to accidents or damages, it must be clear who is liable. The best solution would be for the owner to be liable, as with cars. In this case, it would be the providers. If that is not the case, then those who use the scooters must be liable.

    Dedy further stated, “This requires proof of identity. Other cities will definitely closely observe the developments in Gelsenkirchen. What all cities want are clear rules for e-scooters and more decision-making power for municipalities.

    Improperly parked scooters often become a tripping hazard. Many users do not follow traffic rules while riding, going too fast or riding where it is not allowed. Both could be prevented if Federal Minister of Transport Wissing finally allows so-called geofencing for e-scooters.

    This could, for example, prevent an e-scooter user from ending a ride in a location where parking is prohibited. With geofencing, it would also be technically possible to automatically limit the speed of scooters in certain areas, such as parks or pedestrian zones. So far, however, the Federal Ministry of Transport does not seem willing to do so, even though it is responsible for digitization and could enable a genuine digital innovation in the transport sector here.

  7. Brussels drastically cuts e-scooter numbers starting February 2024

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    Source: The Mayor.eu

    Starting February 1st, 2024, Brussels is implementing significant changes to its e-scooter landscape. The city plans to reduce the available e-scooters from over 20,000 to just 8,000, exclusively operated by Bolt and Dott. Alongside this reduction, designated drop zones will become the sole spots to conclude a ride on these vehicles.

    To accommodate this shift, Brussels Mobility will increase specially assigned parking spaces for shared mobility vehicles from 1,000 to 1,500 in the coming month. Leaving an e-scooter outside these allocated zones will be prohibited from then on.

    This move aligns with a broader trend across European cities to address the unregulated spread of shared micromobility vehicles, which often encroach on pedestrian spaces in urban areas.

    Brussels Mobility highlighted their commitment to providing the safest and most advanced vehicles to the city’s residents. The fleet, comprising e-scooters, bicycles, and mopeds, will boast 100% zero direct emissions. Moreover, special pricing schemes for various target audiences are in the works.

    With licensed operators finalized, other entities now face the task of removing excess vehicles within a six-week grace period.

    Furthermore, regional authorities have selected operators for shared bikes, mopeds, and cargo bikes, establishing quotas for each category in the city.

    The new regulations take effect on February 1st, 2024, across 11 Brussels municipalities. In the remaining eight, operators will utilize GPS tracking systems to restrict parking to locations sanctioned by local authorities.

  8. New e-scooter helmet regulations for Malaga

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    Mandatory helmet proposals have been adopted, with operators unhappy with the decision putting pressure on an already competitive market

    Source: TheMayor.eu

    In a move aimed at enhancing safety on the bustling streets of Malaga, the local city council recently implemented a regulation requiring all e-scooter riders, both on shared platforms and private users, to wear helmets. Despite the better intentions behind this decision, it has stirred a heated debate, particularly with scooter rental companies threatening to withdraw from the city if the rules are enforced.

    The city justifies the new mandate by citing an uptick in accidents involving e-scooters. While the local authorities believe that helmets are a necessary precaution, scooter operators vehemently oppose the measure. They argue that the accident rate for electric scooters is comparable to that of bicycles, which are not obligated to use helmets. This, according to a statement from the shared mobility operators, results in discriminatory practices.

    Expressing dissatisfaction, a spokesperson for the scooter lobby emphasized the financial strain on operators, calling it “the straw that breaks the camel’s back”. The spokesperson hinted at the possibility of a single rental company monopolizing the field, given the additional burden of combating helmet thefts. As Malaga grapples with the delicate balance between safety regulations and the economic viability of scooter rentals, the outcome remains uncertain, leaving both riders and operators in a state of anticipation.

  9. TAITO aims to positively change the perception of e-scooters

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    Entrepreneurial network Voka spotlights the Belgian micromobility innovators, with insights from all three founders.

    Source: Voka

    Ghent-based mobility brand TAITO has emerged as a game-changer in the e-scooter landscape, unveiling their innovative three-wheeled electric scooter earlier this year. The launch garnered substantial attention, with TAITO securing the accolade for the best e-scooter at the prestigious Micromobility Industries trade fair in Amsterdam just three months later.

    Founded in 2020 by Jules Dobbelaere, Nathan De Baets, and François Desmet, TAITO focuses on urban mobility solutions. The trio’s vision extends beyond merely offering a unique e-scooter, aiming to transform the perception of electric scooters globally. Dobbelaere emphasizes the need for safer and more sustainable alternatives to traditional cars, particularly in urban environments where space is a premium.

    The TAITO team conducted extensive market research in collaboration with Vlerick students and found that safety and sustainability were key concerns with existing e-scooters. In response, TAITO’s three-wheeled design incorporates a patented steering and suspension system, providing enhanced stability and safety. Furthermore, the modular components of the TAITO system promote sustainability, allowing for easy repairs and customization.

    While TAITO faced challenges as a young company without prior industry experience, their dedication to innovation paid off. “We managed to go from scratch to a real product, and the combination of software with hardware makes it even more challenging,” says Jules Dobbelaere. The company successfully delivered the first batch of 100 scooters with minimal issues, earning them recognition at the Amsterdam trade fair.

    Despite initial concerns about funding, TAITO experienced a windfall with a successful crowdfunding campaign, surpassing their target within an hour. “We have gathered parties around us that, on the one hand, give us the confidence to follow our course, and on the other hand, are a critical voice on our way there,” notes François Desmet.

    However, TAITO acknowledges the prevailing negative perception of e-scooters, fueled by issues such as safety concerns and the disposable nature of many existing products. The founders aim to shift the focus back to the benefits of e-scooters, highlighting their role in efficient, traffic-free short-distance travel.

    Looking ahead, TAITO plans to expand its product range and commercialize its e-scooter without production limits by 2024. With ambitions to tap into the broader European market, TAITO sees immense potential beyond Belgium and the Netherlands, especially in cities where scooters outsell bicycles.

    As part of the Bryo program for young start-ups and scale-ups, TAITO benefits from a robust network, gaining insights from experts to propel their journey forward. “We are only at the beginning of our journey, but the sessions are of very high quality,” says Jules Dobbelaere. “It helps to hear experts within a certain domain talk about their experiences.”

    TAITO’s revolutionary approach to e-scooters positions them as leaders in redefining urban mobility, with a commitment to safety, sustainability, and innovation, as reported by Voka entrepreneurial network.

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