Tag Archive: climate change

  1. Climate Change PIX winners selected

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    Winning captures of the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) ‘Climate Change PIX’ photo competition show how climate change is already affecting Europe but also how well-known solutions can make a difference.

    Winner – Societal solutions for climate change

    ‘Sustainable city’, by Antonio Farto, reminds of the importance of making cities more sustainable with green areas and possibilities for cycling and walking.

    Photo © Antonio Farto, Climate Change PIX /EEA.

    Winner – Individual action on climate change

    ‘Break the rules – go green’, by Fernando Fortes, encourages cycling as a concrete, individual action that both cuts emissions and improves health.

    Photo © Fernando Fortes, Climate Change PIX /EEA.

    See all winning pictures here.

  2. IPCC calls for data on climate footprints & costs of mitigation options within the transport sector

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    The writing team of the sixth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Working Group III is launching a call for quantitative data on climate footprints and costs of mitigation options within the transport sector. The data provided will support the evidence base for Chapter 10 (transport sector) of working group three of the sixth assessment cycle.

    This call is for the LCA and transport research communities, to make results on climate footprints and costs of different mitigation options for land-based passenger and freight transport, as well as maritime transport to be used for the Sixth Climate Assessment Report (AR6).

    The submitted data will be collated into an online database hosted and managed by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) under an agreement with the IPCC. A prerequisite is that the submitting party holds rights to the data, for which they will maintain the full rights to use and share. In addition, data submitters give the authors of Chapter 10, Transport, the right to use the data for the sole purpose of the IPCC assessment. The data will remain strictly confidential until the 6th Assessment Report is published. At that point, the [full] database will be made public.

    Those who submit data transfer a non-exclusive right to the IPCC (and NTNU on IPCC’s behalf) to publish their submitted data in the AR6 of IPCC Working Group III, once the report is approved. The publication of the database will allow free use of all data contained in the database, but not its reproduction in whole or in part by third parties without proper authorization from the data owners/authors. The remainder of this note describes the background to the call, the scope of the data requested, eligibility for submission, mechanisms for submission and terms of agreement.

    All further details are here: https://ipcc-wg3-lcadata.ntnu.edu/home 


    Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

  3. E-bikes have potential to cut CO2 by up to 50%!

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    A recent study carried out by CREDS researchers at the University of Leeds has found that:

    • Electrically-assisted bicycles (e-bikes), if used to replace car travel, have the capability to cut car carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in England by up to 50% (about 30 million tonnes per year).
    • The greatest opportunities are in rural and sub-urban settings: city dwellers already have many low-carbon travel options, so the greatest impact would be on encouraging use outside urban areas.
    • There is scope for e-bikes to help people who are most affected by rising transport costs.

    The full study is here.

    Photo by Fidel Fernando on Unsplash

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