Freight Transport Bootcamp coming up in November 2023 at VUB Belgium

October 30, 2023

Germany reforms Road Traffic Act with more autonomy for states and municipalities

October 30, 2023

Ghent University seeks guest professor for Bicycle chair

October 30, 2023

Urban Mobility Days 2023 wraps in Spain

October 30, 2023

EU’s greenhouse gas emissions dropped last year, but accelerated efforts still needed to meet ambitious 2030 targets

October 30, 2023

Culture war against bikes trending in Europe

October 23, 2023

SBS to host conference on SMEs and smart manufacturing – Standards as accelerators of industry change

October 22, 2023

Stockholm to remove fossil-fuel cars from its centre

October 16, 2023

Velo-city 2024 Ghent calls for abstracts

October 16, 2023

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