
European Mobility Week Awards deadline approaches

1033 days ago

2 minutes

European Mobility Week, the European Commission’s flagship awareness-raising campaign
on sustainable urban mobility, takes place annually from 16-22 September and culminates in a Car Free Day. Local authorities are encouraged to organise various activities and events towards behavioural change in favour of active mobility, public transport, and other clean, intelligent transport solutions.

The European Mobility Week Awards are prizes given in support of this cause, with two categories of award, for municipalities with a population over 100,000, and those under 100,000.

The deadline for applications is fast approaching, at 31 October 2021 at 24:00 (CET)

Applicants must apply via the portal, and meet the below criteria.

Eligibility criteria:

Towns and cities are only eligible for consideration if they:

  • have registered their campaign online at www.mobilityweek.eu in due time
  • signed and submitted a copy of the Charter acknowledging their participation
  • are situated in the European Union, EU Candidate Countries, Potential EU Candidate
  • Countries that are part of Stabilisation and Association Process (SAP), European Economic Area (EEA), European Free Trade Area countries (EFTA) or the Eastern Partnership (EaP)
  • Last year’s winners are not allowed to apply for the present edition of the awards
  • The European Secretariat takes care of the eligibility check and will contact applicants if needed.

Judges will take into consideration the following points in their assessment:

  • The quality of activities relevant to the annual theme. In 2021, the campaign focused on ‘Safe
  • and Healthy with Sustainable Mobility’.
  • The comprehensiveness of the action plan regarding events, activities and involvement of
  • people.
  • The strategic approach in communicating towards people and the media.
  • The (expected) environmental and social impact of permanent measure(s), supported by
  • evidence (for example, number of users of new cycle lane, estimate of carbon emissions
  • saved, number of private car journeys avoided).
  • The quality and scope of the partnerships with local stakeholders.

Winners will be chosen by a jury, with the winners revealed to the public and to the participants at a ceremony in Brussels, in Spring 2022.

Contact: info@mobilityweek.eu

Further information can be found here: https://mobilityweek.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/awards/EMW_Award/2021/2021_10_01_EMW_Awards_Call_for_Applications.pdf


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