Tag Archive: eureka

  1. Open call for Eureka Network project applications

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    Source: Eureka Network

    Access national funding for collaborative R&D projects by using Eureka’s flexible programme for international R&D projects.

    The Network projects programme enhances collaboration between companies in Eureka countries, giving participants the freedom to design their own project proposal and ideal consortium. The programme has limited eligibility criteria and minimal paperwork, enabling participating companies to get better access to public funding.

    The open call is available for applications all-year-round. More information about Eureka’s Network project programmes can be accessed here, and the project application page can be found here.

  2. SMART invitation for advanced manufacturing collaborative projects

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    Source: Eureka

    As a member of the Eureka Cluster, SMART is looking for organisations to collaborate with, as part of its mission to boost manufacturing through the promotion of R&D&I.

    SMART aims to promote collaborative, international and close-to-market projects that involve research, development and innovation. SMART is based in Europe but is open to participants from all over the world from the Eureka network.

    SMART states that manufacturing is a crucial sector in today’s world, as we look toward sustainable and competitive globalised development. Many political agendas feature advanced manufacturing as a key enabler that grows society toward increased industrial competitiveness, sustainable growth and job creation.

    SMART aims to boost discrete manufacturing industries with growth, competitiveness and attractiveness through promoting R&D&I in an open network of industrial organisations that include, SMEs, large industries, associations; RTOs and academia.

    With its invitation for advanced manufacturing collaborative projects, it is offering national public funding for successful applicants. Companies can submit their R&D project application from 16th January (PO phase) and 10th April 2025 (FPP phase) via the SMART website.

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