Tag Archive: cycling cities experience

  1. The Cycling Cities Experience: industry callout for assistance on Iran work

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    Source: Cycling Cities Experience LinkedIn

    The Cycling Cities Experience research and publication project hopes to introduce the cycling history of Tehran, Iran, to its portfolio of cycling policy and practice of cities around the world.

    Cycling Cities: The Global Experience covers 150 years of cycling policy and practice around the globe with a portfolio of around 50 cities in 25 countries worldwide. It is a valuable global mobility resource that can be used to educate policymakers, community groups, students and teachers. The portfolio covers how policymakers, engineers, cyclists, or community groups have incorporated cycling into their city since the early twentieth century.

    This year, it hopes to publish its work for Tehran, Iran, by raising funds to cover publication costs that have compiled two years of research work on its 130-year journey of cycling history. Conducted at Eindhoven University of Technology, this work will follow previous case studies of cities including Munich, Rotterdam and Johannesburg.

    Donations can be made directly through this link.

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