Speed Pedelecs in the Year 2050
124 days ago
2 minutes
Jos Aerts, founder of the Speedpedelec Evolution website, used the summer break to reflect on the future of the speed pedelec. His outlook is thoroughly detailed in a long and engaging article. Below is the introduction, the full article is here: https://rb.gy/vmebv3
There is now no doubt that cycling in general is considered healthy and that e-bikes and speedpedelecs in particular can have a significant beneficial impact on both climate as human. The fact that this has also been recognised by politicians in 2024 is evident from the recent “European Declaration on Cycling” and substantial national budgets related to bicycle mobility. Nevertheless,
we note that the speedpedelec does not just break through in our mobility. Previously we have identified 5 factors that block growth and that can also vary from country to country.
In this Special Report of Speedpedelec Evolution however we project our outlook for speedpedelecs in the year 2050 were all of these challenges have been met and it is the only bicycle one needs.
Following our 2020 specifications for the ideal speedpedelec, the Dreamspeed 1.0 in our previous website, Speedpedelec evolution is now describing the ideal speedpedelec as in use in 2050 when all 5 challenges to fulfil its real potential have been met. That speedpedelec is a bicycle suitable for speeds up to 60 km/h, biobikes no longer exist and higher speeds can be done with the nonpedalling motorcycle or of course the car in whatever specs are applicable then. E-bikes have gone and the speedpedelecs are the only bicycles on the road as being able to cruise at low speeds as well.
We follow Philippe Thomas, friends call him Peetee, and his bike Friend, the name Peetee has given to his speedpedelec model FRND, an acronym of Fiets Research & Development according to its designers, although the “F” could also stand for Fahrrad.
Annick Roetynck
Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.
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