Draft Standard Heavy Weight Carrier Cycles: Have Your Say
0 hour ago
2 minutes
At this very moment, the public enquiry for prEN 17860-4, Heavy weight carrier cycles – Mechanical and functional aspects, is underway. This means that the draft text of the standard is freely (without charge) accessible, albeit in English only. You can retrieve the text of the draft on the website of your national standardisation institute. If you work in the heavy-weight carrier cycles industry, this is a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the standard at a very early stage and even to provide input on the draft of the standard.
You can submit any comments on the draft text directly to your national standardization institute. For Belgium, you can do this online through the special portal where all draft standards are available for review. If you cannot find the relevant draft standard on your standardization institute’s website or if you’re unsure how or where to submit your comments, it is best to contact your institute directly for assistance. The list of all national standardisation institutes is here: https://standards.cencenelec.eu/dyn/www/f?p=CEN:5.
CEN will close this public enquiry on October 10th. However, national standardization institutes set earlier deadlines to allow enough time to compile comments and forward them to CEN. For example, the Belgian NBN’s deadline is September 16th.
Another way to provide feedback on the draft standard is to send your comments to SBS expert Eddie Eccleston at eddie@leva-eu.com. Eddie is an SBS-expert in TC333, specifically focused on protecting and advocating for the interests of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Through his so-called mirror committee, Eddie will forward all individual comments directly to CEN. However, your comments must reach him before October 1st.
If you wish to become a permanent member of his mirror committee, please request this via email as well. Eddie will then keep you regularly updated on developments related to standards for electric (cargo) cycles in CEN TC333 and inform you about all public enquiries on draft standards that can be commented on. Membership of his mirror committee is free of charge.
If you are not yet fully familiar with standardization or if you have specific questions about it, we would like to refer you to the comprehensive briefing in which LEVA-EU and SBS attempt to answer all questions related to standardization. This comprehensive resource is now available for free, accessible via the following link: https://vqr.vc/Ejy0eaDbu.
Annick Roetynck
Annick is the Manager of LEVA-EU, with decades of experience in two-wheeled and light electric mobility.
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