
Discover the latest ERTRAC Integrated Urban Mobility Roadmap

115 days ago

2 minutes

The updated ERTRAC Integrated Urban Mobility Roadmap is now available! Building on the 2017 version, this new roadmap provides a forward-thinking framework to tackle today’s most pressing urban mobility challenges.

Source: European Commission

As urban mobility evolves due to technological advances, economic changes and growing environmental concerns, the ERTRACALICE, and ERRAC Urban Mobility Working Group began updating the roadmap in mid-2023. This update outlines a comprehensive vision for optimising urban transport systems and paving the way towards a more sustainable future.

The 2024 version serves as a crucial guide for identifying key research and innovation opportunities. Drawing on expertise from industry professionals, stakeholders and previous working group publications, it reflects the latest developments in urban mobility, including research projects funded by Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.

The roadmap prioritises making urban transport systems more convenient, accessible, affordable and resource-efficient for both passengers and goods. It covers every aspect of the transport network, from users and infrastructure to governance, while addressing connections between urban, peri-urban and rural areas.

One key focus is balancing growing mobility demands with limited urban space, promoting stronger integration between transport and city planning. The roadmap advocates sustainable solutions, emphasising active transport, public transit and shared mobility. By assessing current trends and future needs, the 2024 version provides a clear path for innovation and research to build a more efficient and sustainable transport system.

  • Read the full updated roadmap here
  • Read more about STREnGth_M here


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